~Chapter 28~

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Chapter Song

Heart Attack – Demi Lovato

Thank you to Darkstaroreo for the song selection =)


"Really?" Adriana stopped dead in her tracks directly in front of the doorman. She sighed, a tired frustrated sound escaping her lips as the man cocked his head to the side curiously. It wasn't every night he saw a woman looking angry outside an exclusive restaurant. Normally she would be elated and grateful, not angry.

She was exhausted after the very long day with her boss and boyfriend at work. Salvatore had insisted she spend the last two hours of her day seeing how fast she could run to the vault, lock it behind her and climb into the roof space. All while he sat at his desk with a timer watching security footage of the vault via his cell phone.
The only reason she had continued to humour him through the process was because he had eventually promised her a date night.

"You've got to be kidding me Salvo?" Spinning on her heels to face him she was met by an equally confused look on his face as the doorman's.
She stood with a hand on her hip as if he should know what she was waiting on an explanation for.

"I don't follow." Inhaling the remainder of the cigar between his fingers he answered honestly. "Have you been here before?"

"What? To a restaurant with double doors maned by a guard?" Her other hand now resting on the opposite hip adding to the dramatics. "What do you think?"

"He's not a guard." He chuckled amused briefly making eye contact with the said individual. "He's a doorman."
Making his way closer to her he snaked an arm through one of the gaps made from her hands on her hips. Pulling her tensed body towards him his lips connected with her forehead playfully.
"If you haven't been here, why are you mad?"

"Because Salvo!" Letting out a breath closing her eyes briefly to keep her cool. "I just wanted a normal date night."

"This is normal."

"This isn't normal." Tilting her head slightly to the now very uncomfortable doorman. "Normal is Burger King, Pizza Hut, Panda Express!"

"What the fück is Panda Express? Those animals are endangered I don't think we should be-"

"The fact that you think it's a place where you order Panda's for dinner... No Salvo. Just no." Taking a step back from him she covered her face with the palms of her hands, her fingertips running lightly through her hair. "I just wanted to relax Salvo, not have to worry about what wine pairs well with what course, which is the soup coffee or dessert spoon. I mean really?"

"Well, where do you want to eat?"

Her eyes widened as a smile began to appear across her face. "Really? I get to choose?"

"I guess so." Retrieving his wallet from his back pocket he made his way over to the still awaiting doorman handing him an amount of cash Adriana did not wish to see. "For your troubles." He stated firmly, "apologize to the maitre d on my behalf; we won't be requiring our table tonight."
Turning to Adriana he immediately noticed the excitement practically pouring from her body before them, he had a bad feeling wherever she had in mind would never have made his top one thousand list of places to dine with your girlfriend.


"Adriana." He gripped her shoulder hard as she tried to exit the stopped car outside the location she had directed Stefano to. Pulling her back into the car she glanced over her shoulder at him letting out a questioning sound.
"You can't be serious right now, this looks like where serial killers take their victims, I don't know how you've survived life up to this point."

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