~Chapter 51~

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Chapter Song

My Song Knows What You Did In The Dark – Fall Out Boy


"So you own a club?" Antonino repeated raising an eyebrow at the news of Salvatore's employment status. He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about this. The club was clearly making more than enough money judging by the style of home he was currently residing in, the finishes of the penthouse obviously top quality, not to mention the location.
However, the thought of the man dating his daughter spending late nights somewhere stocked with alcohol; with ample other women didn't exactly sit right with him either.

"Mmhmm." Salvatore nodded knocking back his second espresso while the parents had moved onto other refreshments.

"Silenzio, it's not too far from here."

"And you have my daughter working there?"

"Papà..." Adriana recalled him a little embarrassed by his tone. She had never seen him react this way towards a significant other, full of sarcasm and concern, she had never given him the opportunity, up until now.

"Yes." Salvatore confirmed quite nonchalantly, he didn't see a problem with it, why wouldn't he want his daughter constantly watched by her boyfriend? He was basically doing him a service.

"She works in the office and honestly she's quite good at what she does. Very thorough with finances." Remembering back to her uncontrollable fit about petty cash.

"So you work together, live together..." Antonino eyed them both back and forth a little disappointed that they had only been alerted of the enormity of the relationship now when it was becoming clear this had been going on for quite some time. Would their daughter have even bothered had it not been for this recent tragedy?

"Don't you think that's a little much?"

"With all due respect Mr. Di Dio," Salvatore perfectly understanding where he was steering the conversation and certainly not needing any further doubt placed in his girlfriend's mind by the most dangerous and influential people in a daughters life.

"Had it not been for our close relationship you'd be visiting your sedated daughter in a hospital."

"Salvatore, had my daughter been an avid reader of the New York Times she never would have entered into a relationship with you." Standing to his feet almost in a challenging manner he was met by Salvatore up on his feet just as dominating and seemingly rather unfazed.

"Well, good thing my girlfriend didn't inherit her intelligence from her father."

"Salvo!" Adriana beamed instantly on her feet raising her voice at Salvatore but eyeing them both with a stern look. "We're not doing this today! I don't have it in me."

"Adriana, just come home with us. You could do with some time at home, some rest, and clarity. Your mother and I would love to spend some time with you. Isn't that right Giulia?" Now pleading with his daughter he wanted nothing more than for her to pack some items and walk out the door with them.

"Of course!" Her mother agreed whole heartedly. She trusted her daughter's instincts, but right now the pair felt their daughter could do with some extra guidance. She wasn't one to put herself in dangerous situations and now she needed time to reflect and grieve in a positive environment. An environment she felt wasn't here, not if all this disruption was happening right on their doorstep.

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