~Chapter 52~

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Chapter Song

She Wolf – David Guetta feat. Sia


"You're out of your mind!" Jumping to his feet Salvatore loomed over his desk challenging Elena, aggression running through his veins. He could feel his blood pumping, his blood pressure rising dangerously high. There was no way, no way in hell there was any truth to her big reveal.

"Oh really?" She challenged back with just as much if not more aggression than him. "Figured you'd call me crazy, but Salvo these results don't lie!" Pulling from her genuine red Italian leather purse a folded up sheet of paper from her local Doctor.
Slamming it on the desk before her she kept her right hand over the sheet at first. "Call me a liar all you want, you can even make me see which ever doctor you choose. But Salvo, the results won't change..." Finally lowering her voice her tone now dripping with threats.

She had him. Hook. Line. Sinker.

The pair engaged in a stare off, neither one budging for a few moments, the brothers not daring to speak a word, this was one mess they weren't prepared to clean up.

"Elena..." Hands planted firmly on the table, fingers pressed so hard into the wood his knuckles turning white in the process as he rose back to his feet refusing to take the piece of paper in hand.
"I've done a fück load for you, more than any man on this earth would even prepare to consider ... If it's money you need because you're in this... situation... Then all you need to do is ask. Don't you dare pull this shĩt with me."

Pushing the piece of paper from under her hand towards him she released the folded results before straightening herself back up, folding her arms across her chest.
"I'm in no situation. WE are in this situation..."

"That's it then?" Salvatore continued to provoke and pry not daring to let up now. "You're sticking with this version of your story?"

"There's no other version Salvo, no matter how much you wish it, this. Is. It."

He took a long, deep full breath. One so deep he was sure he could attempt deep sea diving without the equipment in this very moment. Trying to push away the thoughts of dumping her in that very same ocean he acknowledged her in his most polite manner one final time.

"This is your last chance Elena. Tell me the truth now or we're very much over, our friendship gone, your job gone, all contact with this family absolutely over, I will throw you out on the streets."

"I'm sticking with my story." Her response quick and to the point, she was adamant and not backing down.

"Very well..." He shook his head disappointed with her choice. "It's not a matter of if Elena, it's a matter of when. And when I do find out the truth you're refusing to tell me, you're gone. You better hope whoever knocked you up has a hȅll of a lot of money to support you"

"That's not going to happen Salvo; you're stuck with me now. Forever."


Adriana sat alone at the desk of Salvatore's home office. Behind closed doors she had thought long and hard about everything that had happened, so many lives forever changed in the wake of Luca's death.
As she slid a sole finger around the rim of the crystal scotch filled glass her mind ticked over it all. Every moment, every word said that day.
Then the dreaded day of the funeral. Luca's family ton apart, losing their son over something which was never his fault.

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