chapter 11. Engagement ring

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~ Laura POV~

I smiled as I rub my head against my pillow but then my pillow moved a little 'wait my pillow moved?' I open my eyes a little and saw I saw in Ciels arms. I blush when I realize I was in his bed in a black slick night gown 'I don't want to know how I got into this' His arms were wrap around my waist. I couldn't help but smile at his sleepy face. I closed my eyes and then went back to sleep.

~ Sebastian POV~

I walk to my masters room to wake him up and dress him but as I got to his door and when I enter I saw him and lady Laura sleeping in each others arms asleep. I would just leave them be but I needed to wake young lord. I walk over to my master. "Wake up my young lord"

~Ciel POV~

"Wake up my young lord" I open my eyes and saw laura in my arms. I smiled at the sight of her. Her face looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I then remember Sebastian was here to dress me. I let go of Laura and made sure she didn't wake up.

"Time to get dress" I nodded. I let go of Laura and let Sebastian change me while laura was still asleep. Once I was fully dress I heard laura sit up and stretch. *Yawns* I look at her "Good morning Laura" she looks at me and gave me a smile. "Good morning Ciel" she said as she got out of bed and walk towards me and sat next to me.

"Hey laura. I want us to spend some time together today" I said a little red "Sure let me get dress first" I nodded. She then got up and left.

~ Laura POV ~

As I left Ciels room and I ran to my room. I enter my room and saw Sophia listening to music with headphones on and dancing and singing to the song.

" my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun~"

I just started to walk to her. "SOPHIA!"she jumped. "What! and where were you last night?!" I blush. "No where....Anyway I have to change" she looks at me. "Ok" I got change into a nice sun dress, it was a red with a black ribbon around the waist.

I put up my hair in a pony tail. "Well I'll see you later Sophia" she looks at me and smiles "you dress all nice for Ciel?" I blush "bye~" then left.

~later in the day~

I when into Ciels study and saw him working "Heyy" I said as I skip to him and look at what he was working on. It look boring "hello Laura" he said with a small smile. I went sat in the chair in front of him and went on my phone when something crash thought the window. I look up from my phone and saw the one and only Grell.

"Grell what are you doing here?!" Ciel yelled at him. "I wanted to see my bassy~!" He then sees me "I don't know who you are but you look fabulous in red my dear!" "Thanks~" I said back with a smile. Sebastian & tyanna came running in and saw Grell. Both Tyanna and Grell had a fangirl moment. "BASSSY~" "GRELLL~" Grell then looks at tyanna. "Do I know you?" "Nope,I'm a stalker!" She said giggling.

Grells eyes widened and ran to Sebastian. "Bassy~!" "Grell please get out of here!"he said coldly.  Ciel then got up. "Sebastian get the carriage we have to get some things in London" "yes my young lord" I look at Ciel. "What are you getting?" I said to him. He smirks "don't worry about it"  He walks over to me and gently takes my hand and kiss it.

"mkay" I said with a blush. Grell then look at his death book "my, my look at the time I have to go now"

"Bye grell I'll watch you in your sleep tonight~!"tyanna sang. Grell had fear in his eyes. I laugh "she just kidding" I said. He left before he could hear me. I sighed "bye Ciel have a good time in London!" I said. He gave me a smile and noddeds.

~Ciels POV ~

What I was really getting was a engagement ring for Laura in London. As I look at the rings I saw one that had a clear diamond in the middle and two blue gems besides the one in the middle. I smiled it was perfect. I knew her favorite color was blue also. (Plus it would match his ring) I asked the person at the counter for that one and I payed for it.

~small time skip ~

Once I got back to my manor I couldn't wait to propose to her but I wanted to wait for the right moment. As I enter my manor Sophia and Tyanna came running to me yelling about something. "One at a time" I yelled.

"LAURA WAS KIDNAP!" Sophia yelled.

My eyes widened. "WHAT! Who was it?!" Tyanna look at me "It was Claude!!! He probably took her to the trancy manor!!!" Anger was filled in me.

"SEBASTIAN! Get the carriage, were going to the Trancy manor!"

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