chapter 20. The Battle

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{A/N : BTW this is your theme song and demon outfit, and I know its a dress, but whatever }

~Laura POV~

My eyes widened as Ciel order Sebastian to kill Luke. Luke started to laugh making Sebastian stop and look at him "I don't think so" He then pulled out a sword and He lift his arm and pointed at me, I felt a force controlling me then he yank his arm back causing me to fall right in front of him "Laura!" Ciel called out.

Luke bends down and helps me up "You belong to me and no one else!" I glared at him "I'm never going to be yours! I belong to Ciel and no one else!" He tilt his head to the side "Well I'll have to fix that" I was push to the side "Oo my dear laura are you ok?" Grell said as he pick me up.

I look up and saw Luke and Sebastian in the middle of the room ready to fight, I also notice half the people that where in here was gone, the only people that stay was Levi,Hanji Sophia, White,and Kyra. White and Sophia ran up to me "Are you ok?" I didn't pay any attention to them I got up from from the ground. I watch as Sebastian & Luke fight. I saw Ciel trying to get to me but Luke tryed to stab him. "Luke stop this!!!" I scream at him. He looks at me with his red eyes.

"I'll stop if you agree!" He then throws the sword and it stab Sebastian in the stomach. I gasp 'Sebastian lost?!' I thought. I then saw Luke pin Ciel to the wall with one of his hand on his throat and took out a knife. My eyes widened, I ran up to him and grab his arm to stop him. "Agree to what?!" I yelled as I was struggling to keep his arm up. He looks me in my eyes and then smirks.

"To be mine or would you want me to kill Ciel for you" My eyes turn pink. I look or at Ciel. Then my eyes turn back to normal and I sighed. I was about to say something but Grell interrupted "BASSSYYY!!!!" He runs to Sebastian and pulls the sword out of His chest "So what are you going to choice?" I look at Ciel and Luke.

"D-dont d-do it-t L-laura!" Ciel manage to say. My hands turn into fist, then I look luke in the eye "I'll be yours if you let Ciel go!" He smirks and then drop Ciel on the ground. Ciel started to cough violently. I ran up to him and hug him "Ciel are you ok?!" I asked. He grabs my hand and looks me in the eye "I can't lose you Laura! You can't go with him, please change your mind"

I had tears in my eyes "I'm sorry, But if I don't you'll die! I would never forgive myself if that happen" I was pulled back and into Lukes arm "Well you made a right choice my darling" He gives me a few kiss on my neck and I watch Ciel glaring at him. I then heard a chainsaw roar.

I turn my head and saw Grell and Sebastian running towards us. Luke push me out of the away while he takes out another sword and it crash's with Grells Chainsaw " HOW DARE YOU STAB MY MAN!!!" He yelled. *White video tapes all of this, Kyra is clueless of what's happening, Sophia just shock, Levi is drinking tea calmly, and Hanji.... IDK *

I fall on my back. "Ugh" I put my hand on my head "Laura!" Ciel picks me up and puts his arms around me "Are you ok?" I nodded.

I look up and saw Sebastian & Grell fighting Luke. He then looks and saw me in Ciels arms, his eyes turn pink. Luke then pushes them away and runs towards us. Sebastian jumps in front of us "Sebastian kill him all ready" Ciel screams. He let goes of me and turn me around so he could look at my face "Laura listen, I want you to leave this room, NOW!" I refused "Go!" He pushes me to the door, just as I was about to leave I heard luke speak "I'm going to kill you Ciel!" I turn my head and saw him running to Ciel with his sword about to stab him. My eyes widened.

I ran up to Ciel and then push Ciel out of the way just in time. I then felt the sword stab me in the gut.

~Ciels POV~

My eyes widened as I watch Luara get stab "LAURA!" I scream. She falls to the ground as I run to her. Luke drops the sword "W-what have I done!" I look at him while my eyes turn pink "This is all your fault Ciel! If she didn't love you she wouldn't have push you out of the way! She supposed to love me!"

I was about to say something but I felt someone touch my hand. I look down and saw laura looking at me. "Laura are you ok?!" I asked as tears filled my eyes "Well I just got yeah I'm just cherry" she said sarcastically. Then Luke bend down and grabs her hand "I'm sorry Laura" she didn't say anything "This is your fault Luke!" He gives me a death glare. "I know what to do" He then picks her up, bride style.

I got up quickly "What are you doing?!" I yell at him. He sets laura down on one of the table. "Oi don't get my table dirty with blood!" Levi yells. Laura giggled "Sorry levi, I'm just DYING HERE!" Luke lift up her shirt but not all the way. Kyra was about to throw up "I'm going to leave" Grell said then left "Ok I'm out of here as well!" She then covers her mouth and ran and Sophia ran after her "Sebastian what is he doing?!" Sebastian walks over and look.

"I think he is going to give some of his powers to heal her and quickly. But that also means she will unlock her inter demon" My eyes widened. Luke place his hand on her stomach and it started to glow. Then it was her whole body. "W-whats happening?!" I asked. "She's being decided what kind of demon she is, for a example I'm a crow demon" I nodded.

Then the glowing went away and she look different. Her hair was long, it went down to her waist and her eyes was no longer blue, but red like luke and Sebastian's and her outfit was different. It was a small black dress. She then groans "Laura!" Luke falled on the floor "O my gosh that took a lot of energy!" I ignored him, I help laura sit up "Laura are you ok now?" She nods "Yeah I great!" She said smiling.

I smile and grab her and then kiss her on the lips "I thought I was going to lose you" I said as I held her close. I then notice she had a tattoo of a butterfly on her shoulder "Sebastian?" I said. He walks over and look at Laura and smiled "It appears that she's a butterfly demon" her eyes widened "Really!!! I love butterflies!" She said. Luke then got up and walk to her.

"One of my old friend's was a butterfly demon, she had wings so that means so do you to" our eyes widened "R-really?" He nods. He then grab her hand and put it on her tattoo "Just concertrate on bring out your wings" I didn't like the fact he still had the nerves to touch her. Then her back started to glow and then a pair of black butterfly like wings appear ( like the one in the pic up top) .

She jump up and gaze at her wings. I smiled at her being happy again "And if you want them to disappear do what you did before" Sebastian said. She nods and then started moving them and she was floating in the air.

Luke smiled at her as I glared at him. When see set back on the floor she made her wings go away.

She was about to run up to me but luke stop her by grabbing her and then made her look him in the eye as he smirks. I growled at him "Now,Now Laura don't you remember you agree to me" Her eyes widened then she smiled. "Of course I remember, why wouldn't I!" She said as she put her arms around him.

I watch her in shock 'W-what is she doing?!' Even Luke was shock at first then he wrap his arm around her and look in her eyes. My eyes turn pink at the sight of them. She then grabs him with one hand and kiss him. I stood frozen at what I just saw. Then she puts her other hand behind her back.

~ Laura POV~

I grab him and kiss him on the lips. I felt him pull me closer to him as he lick my lips and I let him enter my mouth. I know Ciel was probably dying inside. I reach behind my back and pulled a knife out. Then I raise the knife and brought it down on Luke's back. His eyes open as blood came out of his mouth into mine. We pulled apart and I spit the blood out of My mouth.

He falls to the floor and looks at me "W-why?" I evil grin "Because, I said I was taken!" He then disappears in to the black shadow. I look at Ciel and gave him a smile. "I love you"

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