chapter 12, Trancy manor

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~ Laura POV ~

"Ugh, let me out!" I yelled as I bang my hand on the door. I sigh as I walk over and sat on my bed. Then my phone got a text message. I took my phone out of my dress pocket and it read.

"From Sophia: Yo are you all right and btw ciel is on his way!" I texted back "from Laura: yeah I'm all right just lock in a room that's all and good about ciel coming" I hit send and put my phone back in my pocket.

I then heard the door unlock. I look up to see Alois skipping in with a smile on his face. "Hello my dear Laura~" He sang. I glared at him. He is not my favorite character anymore! "Why am I here!" I snap. He looks at me. "Because I wanted to see you again. Ciel keep you all to him self tho!"

I got up"Well he didn't lock me in a did he!?" Alois smirks "Well no worry's, for now on your going to be a Trancy maid!" Your eyes widened "Um No I'm not! I'm leaving!" You then tried to walk away but before you could do that.

*SLAP* I fell down to the floor holding my cheek.' Did he just b*tch slap me?' You look up to see tears in His eyes. "Why does everyone keep leaving me!?" He shouted. I would have been heart broken seeing him like this until he hit me. He then walks over and kick me into my stomach, sending me across the other side of the room. "O-ow" I said.

Then Alois pick up a flower vase and throw it at me. I scream in pain. "S-stop, please" I whisper. I had blood all over my arms and face now. This reminder me when my father beat me up when I were little. Alois then started kicking me some more till Claude came in "Your highness, Ciel is here" Alois stop kicking me and looks at Claude. "Really?! Yay!" He skip to the door and before he closed the door he look back at me.

"Don't worry my little butterfly, After Ciels gone, were going to have some fun !" He closed the door and lock it. I crawled to a corner and stared to cry. I look at my cuts and bruises Alois gave me. My phone started to buzz. I took it out and saw I miss 3 calls and 10 text messages from Sophia. I ignore it not wanting to talk and continue to cry.

~meanwhile at Ciels manor~
~Sophias POV~

"She's not picking up my calls or texting back!" I yelled. I look over at tyanna and saw she was playing a game one her phone. "Hey maybe we should go out and eat some where....Maybe we could get some curry buns!" she said. I blink at her "LAURA ,OUR BEST FRIEND WAS KIDNAP! And you want to eat!?" I yelled at her. She looks up from her phone. "Oh yeah I forgot she was kidnap" I wanted to slap her right now.

~small time skip~

{ a small summary about what just happened, Ciel and Alois had that sword dual & and made a bet, if Ciel wins he gets laura back and if Alois wins he keeps her}

~Ciels POV~

I look down at Alois bleeding on the floor and pointed the sword at him "Die Alois Trancy! And I win the bet,Now where's Laura?!" He looks up. I couldn't take it any more I when down to kill him but someone stop me. I look up to see he's Butler.

I slap him and then Sebastian grabs me. "Don't worry young master I know where Laura is" that got my attention. He took me to one of Alois manor's room. He broke open the door. I ran in and look around, I saw a broken vase on the floor and a little bit of blood.

I then saw Laura in a corner, hugging her knees crying. "Laura!" I yelled and ran to her. She looks up at me.

"C-ciel!" She hugs me and I hold her tightly. I didn't want to let her go. But then we let go of each others and I look at her face and saw cuts and bruises all over her body. Anger filled inside of me. Alois did this to her I should have know something like this would happen. "Come on. Let's go home" (*cough* Tokyo ghoul line *cough* srry. Not srry)

~a small time skip~

Right now where in the carriage and I just finished cleaning up Laura's cuts. I look over at her. "Are you ok?" I asked. She looked so sad and hurt, mentally and physically. "Y-yeah ,I am" she said and gave me a fake smile. I look into her eyes and saw it was filled with pain.

I wanted to make her happy. I put my hands in my pocket and felt something. It was the the engagement ring I got for Laura. I knew it was now or never. I grab her hands and she look into my eyes.

"Laura, the past few weeks with you have been the best moments in my life, your my light in this dark world of mine and I want you to be mine forever! I want to wake up every morning seeing your face next to me. I love you " I let go of her hands and grab the box and open it.

"Will you marry me?"

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