chapter 22. The wedding

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~Ciel POV~

I slowly open my eyes, and the first thing I saw was Laura's face. Her hair was brush against her face. I smiled, she look really cute this way. I took my hand and move a piece of hair out of her face 'Wait todays the wedding!' I look at Laura's face and remember her birthday.

We both spend the day together and then at the end of the day she and her friend got there dress's for the wedding. Her birthday was February 10 so we decided to get married on the 13 and have our have our honeymoon on Valentine day.

Laura started to move a little.
"C-ciel?" She said. I put my arms around her and pulled her close to me "Good morning it's time to get up" she closes her eyes again and groans "I don't want to get up I just want to sleep!" Then she buried her head in the pillow. I sighed "I guess then we have to skip our wedding" I said.

She shot out of bed "OMG!!!! I have to get ready!! I have to do my hair! My make up! Get my dress on right! The right jewelry! Get comfortable in my shoes! Then I got to get Grell to go get Sophia, she said she bringing a few people to" I got up and grab her arm "Its going to be ok" I then gave her a kiss in the lips. She smiles and then Sebastian came in "It's time to get ready my lord"

~ Laura POV~

I look at him "I guess I'll get ready" he nods and gives me one of his cute smiles. I blush a little and I left my room and head towards Whites room. I enter her room and saw her sleeping with her head hanging of of the bed. I grab her arm and pulled her off. "BRUH!!!" She yellee and got up and look at me.

"And what was that for?" I spin in circles and then jumping up and down "I have my wedding today!!!!" Her eyes widened "Oh yeah, now I remember" My phone then got a text message.

'From Sophia: ok so I'm coming soon and I'm Bringing Levi with me, and Eren, is coming as well'

'From Laura: kk, IM SO EXCITED!!!'

I put down my phone and got ready. I put on my dress (The pic up top is the dress you are wearing). It show my butterfly tattoo. I got a little help with my hair and I have diamond earrings.

~Small Time Skip~

Soon Sophia, Levi, and Eren was here in my room just as I got all my make up and dress done. I sat on Whites bed talking "So what are you doing for your honeymoon tomorrow?" Sophia asked. I smirk "Ciel said it was a surprise" she raise an eyebrow "Well like I told you before, don't get pregnant!" My face then turn 50 shades of red.

Then all of a sudden the widow open and came in was Ronald Knox! "Yooo Ronald McDonald! What's up! You here for my wedding?" He frowns "Yeah, to bad cuz you could have had all if this" I started to laugh. Then Sebastian knock on the door "Its time my lady" I started to have butterflys in my stomach 'OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I'm getting married! I'm getting married!'

~Small Time Skip~
~Ciels POV~

I was standing at the altar in my tux in my manors garden. Everyone was here, even Elizabeth. 'I can't believe I'm getting married!' I started to get nervous a little. Sebastian bend down and whisper in my ear. "Don't worry if this is what you want then you shouldn't be nervous" I nodded as he was right.

He was right I did want this.
Laura was my life, and I love her more than anything. I always thought if something was truly lost, one can never get it back again....But that was until I met her. I'm going to marry her and we're going to be happy together.

I heard the music started and I turn my head and saw Laura walking down the carpet (or what ever there called). I blush at the sight of her, she was wearing a beautiful white dress with a black belt, she was walking down with William. Soon she was right in front of me. I smiled at her and she was blushing a little bit. We both reach out or hands and held each other hands.

~ Laura POV~

I look into Ciels eyes as we listen to Sebastian speak. Everyone I knew was here, the whole cast, except you know the Trancy manor. I saw Elizabeth glaring at me, so I gave her my demon glares that could kill "Do you Ciel, take Laura as your wife?" He looks at me and smiled "I do" Sebastian looked at me "And do you Laura, take Ciel as your husband?" My smiled grew bigger "I do" he nods.

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride" He said. Ciel grabs me and kiss me on the lips tjat was full of love and sweetness. Once we pulled apart everyone was clapping. We both hold hands and walk down from the alter.

~Small Time Skip~

I was talking to some of my friends. Levi and Eren to be exact just when I felt someone tap me on my shoulder with there Sharp nails. I turn my head to see Elizabeth "Hello" I said and gave her a fake smile. She didn't look to happy "I still don't know why I can't make him happy and you can! I was supposed to marry him!" She whines.

"Can't you see he doesn't like you and he will never will you stupid brat" Levi said. I couldn't help but laugh. She didn't look to happy thought "Who is she?" Eren asked "She Ciels ex fiancee but that was arranged marriages. And also because there cousins" His eye widened "Dude that's wrong your right to marry him Laura, or he would have to marry this mess" He said while pointing at Lizzie.

She looks at me "This is all your fault!" She said and cross her arms. My eyes widened. 'This is all your fault!' My father voice comes in my mind. My eyes turn pink and I my hands turn into fist. She gasp and she looks at me in fear. Then Ciel came in and put his arms around my shoulder.

"What are you guys talking about?" He asked. I clam down "Your cousin here was just leaving" I gave her a innocent look and but with a death glare in my eye. She nods and walk away. "I don't like her" Levi said, Sophia then came " so how was expedition?!" I asked her"Well people died and stuff like"

I evil grin "Hey Levi knock knock!" He looks at me and sighs. "Who there?" "NOT YOUR SQUAD!!!" Me and White started laughing till we had tears in our eyes ,but Levi and Eren look a little mad.

" Kyra didnt make it tho" Eren said. I look up "I know, she was on the right flank so I knew what was going to happen... I should have called dibs on her phone " Grell and the other reapers then appeared "Its time to take back this people" I nodded "Well bye Sophia, Levi , and Eren!"  After we said good byes everyone else left. Ciel grabs my hand and looks me in the eye.

"I love you so much" I smiled and kiss him "I love you to" He took me to the front manor and I saw a carriage "Were going to our honeymoon" I look at him. "Where we going?" I asked him. He smirks.

"Where going to Paris "

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