chapter 21. Back home in Black Butler

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~Ciels POV ~

I watch as Laura stab Luke in the back. He disappears into the black shadows and she turn her head and looks at me "I love you" she then giggles. I ran up to her and hugged her I didn't care about the blood she had on her. "I thought you really pick him over me!" I said. She hugs me back and said

"I love you to much to choice any one else. Your my soul mate....well that is if we both still had our souls so your my demon mate" I look her in the eye. She look so different with her eyes in a different color, but she still beautiful "So is Luke dead?" I asked.

"No he's still Alive, but he was so weak from turning Laura into a real demon that when laura stab him he went back to the underworld"Sebastian said. I nodded. Laura looks around and frowns "Where is everyone?" Then Levi ,Eren,white and Hanji came in with cleaning supplies. "Why is there more blood on the ground?!" Yelled Levi. I look at him

"Don't worry there will be more blood on the expedition!" She said with a smile making Everyone in the AOT cast glared
at her "Hey laura here's a towel" White said.

~Laura POV~

"Thanks" I said as I grab the towel and wipe off all the blood. I sat down and Ciel sits next to me and puts hand on my hand. I look at him and gave him a smile. He puts a hand on my neck and brings me closer and gives me a kiss on my lips "So is he like your boyfriend?" Eren asked.

I gave him a 'are you stupid' look "He's my fiance" his eyes widened "What! But your so young!" I glare at him "Shut up, I'm turning 16 in like 2weeks" I said. Ciel then holds my hand "And then were getting married" I blush a little "Awwwwww" says Sasha, Krista and Hanji. Sophia and krya then came in.

"So are you ready to go back home?" Ciel asked. I smiled "I can't wait, Sophia are coming?" She looks at me "Well um, I was thinking maybe, I would I could stay here and fight with everyone" my eyes widened then I nodded "I understand, but I want to be a maid of honor at your wedding" "what wedding?" She asked. I look at her "the one with Levi!" She started to blush.

"I'm just kidding" then White comes running to me "Can I come back with you please, I love the Anime black Butler, I could be you new bride honor since Sophia isn't going!" Then Sophia jump up "Oh heck to the No!!! I'm still the maid of honor, so your just a brides maid!" I look over at Ciel, he nods. I smiled "Sure!" "YAY!!!" Hanji then walks to me and throws her cape around me.

"This is a thanks for all your help!" She said. I jump up And gave her a hug her "Thanks your my favorite girl character" Then Grell came in with his book "So is it time to go or what!" I look over at Ciel and he grab my hand. "Byeee~" I said to everyone. "I heard Kyra is going to be on the right flank" My eyes widened. "Doesn't she know what happen?!"

White scratches the back of her neck "Well I told her not to watch the Anime so she can be surprise, plus she didn't want to anyway" "oh well she going to die" Sophia walks over "Sophia listen don't tell them anything about the anime OK?!" I said to her and she nods "I'll miss you, I'll try to visit, and text me!" she gives me a hug

"ok but just don't get pregnant to early after you get marry, you got that Ciel?!" Me and Ciel blush "S-shut up" After I said good bye to everyone. Sophia put farewell music on 'I'm coming home by nightcore' We walk to Grell and nod at him. He begins to write in his book and soon we were surrounded by black shadows.

I hold Ciels hand tighter as I close my eyes and when I open them we where back in Ciels manor, in his room with Ciel, Sebastian, White, and Grell. I smiled "I'm so happy I'm back home!" I said as I gave Ciel a side hug. He kiss me on the head "I miss you a lot and I'm glad your back, now we can get married" I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Sebastian show White, Sophia's old room, that's where she staying" he bows "yes my lord" White looks at me "Where your room?" She asked.

Before I could answer Ciel answer for me "We share a room, so she won't be moving in any other room with her friends" I smiled and hugged him as he pulled me closer to him. "O-ok" then white left with Sebastian. Ciel look at Grell.

"thank you Grell" Grell gave him a smile "your welcome brat!" I glared at him. And with that he left. It was really late and soon Sebastian came in and change Ciel while I change into my gown.

We both got in bed and cuddle in each other arms "I love you Laura, I really miss you" Ciel said. I look up at him "I really miss you to, I love you"

'In a few weeks I'll be marry to Ciel'

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