chapter 25. The Babys Arrival

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~laura POV~
~3 Month's later~

Today's I'm in the AOT world for Sophias Wedding, Ciel was my date. Right now I'm sitting and watching Sophia and Levi standing listening to the person that was marrying them talk. "You may kiss the bride!" Then Levi kiss Sophia. I started clapping "GO SOPHIA!!! WHOOOOAAA!!!" I yelled. Ciel jumps a little from my out burst but then he puts his arm around my waist.

Or at least he tried since my belly was still big. "Hey laura what you thinking about?" White asked me. "Well the baby should be there soon, so I'm just so happy!" I smiled. White then saw the wedding cake and left. "I want CAAAAAAAKE!" she and Sasha screams. I giggled then walk up to Levi and Sophia. "I'm so happy for you guys" I said with my hand over my stomach.

"Thanks!" Sophia said as she hugs Levi. Then I grab Levi by his collar while my eyes turn pink. "If you hurt her, I'll kill you and eat your soul! You got that!?" I said as his eyes widened and sophia pride my hands off of his collar. "I know better than to do that to her" He said. I smirk "Well then make sure you don't get pregnant, OK Sophia!" She blush "Well unlike you I won't be a mom for a long time!" I smiled and walk away.

"Ok girls line up I'm going to throw the bouquet!" Every girl went over there but me because I was already married and when you catch the brides flower bouquet that's the person next to get married. "Ok.....1....2...3!" Then as I took a bite of cake Something hit me in the back of the head. I look down and saw the flower bouquet, I pick it up and look over at Mikasa and Eren.

I walk over and handed it over to Mikasa and wink "you better invite me!" Mikasa blush madly as Eren stayed clueless. I giggled and walk to Ciel. "I'm having so much fun!" I said. "Good!" He gives me a kiss on the cheek. I sighed. "To bad Kyra isn't here, she's back in the real world sadly, IDK how but she is.... I can't wait for tomorrow, me and the girls are hanging out" Ciel nods "Be careful" I knew what he meant by that.

He was worry about Luke coming back to get me "Don't worry. I bet Luke forgot all about me" I said with a smile. He just nods "Just be careful"

~Next Day~

Sophia, White, Mikasa, Hanji, Sasha and me where on the beach since there was no more titans. "So when are you and Levi are going on your honeymoon?" I asked Sophia. "Well next week" I sighed "Why not now, when I got married me and Ciel was out right away!" She smirk "Then you got pregnant!" I blush "Stop saying that!" She giggles.

"I WANT FOOOD!!" Sasha whines. I got up "I'll get you some then" I sighed, Then Mikasa grabs my arm "You shouldn't get up, your pregnant!" I laughed "Don't worry about it" Then I felt my baby inside of my belly kick. I grunt as I felt my water break. "AGHHH" I yelled in pain "Laura!!! Are you ok?!" Hanji asked.

Everyone got up and surround me "I- I think m-my water just b-broke!" Everyone gasp. "She going into labor!" Hanji yelled. "Quick Sasha! Go get Ciel and tell him about laura!" Mikasa said. She nods and start to run. Mikasa and Hanji puts there arm around me and start draging me to the infirmity while Sophia and white was talking to me

"ok breath in and out ,in and out, in and out" they keep saying. Finally we got to infirmity. "Some help! Please!" Sophia yelled. Then a few nurses came and help me on the bed.

~Meanwhile, Sasha's POV~

I nodded as Mikasa told me to get Ciel. I began to run towards where Ciel and the other guys were. Then I smelled something realllly good. I turn my head and saw potatoes. I stop dead in my tracks as I begin to drool. "Um maybe I'll stop for a while and get something to eat"

~Small Time Skip~

"CIEL!CIEL!" I yelled as I saw him. He turns his head and looks at me. "What?" He asked. "Its a emergency! I would have been here sooner but I had to stop and get something to eat!" Levu sighes. "If it was really something important, then you wouldn't have stop to get something to eat" I frown "but it is!!!! Laura is in labor!!!" I yelled. Ciel then drop his drink as his eyes widened.

"W-what?!" "I said laura is in labor!" Eren steps in "You just had to get food didn't you" he sighs. "Yup!" I said. "Where is she?!" Ciel yelled. "In the infirmity" and with that Ciel started running and so was Levi, Eren, and Armin. I took a bite out of my potato. "I better get going then" I started walking to where laura was.

~Ciels POV~

I started running to the infirmity as fast as I can. 'I can't miss my child's birth!!' Soon I was at the infirmity. I heard screaming. 'It must be laura!' I ran down to where the screaming was coming from. Just as I got to the door the screaming stop. I pause for a second. Then I heard crying. Not from laura but from a baby.

I slowly open the door and there I saw laura on the bed breathing heavily. "Laura!" I yelled as I ran over to her. She looks at me and gives me a weak smile "c-ciel" she grabs my hand. "W-wheres the baby?" She asked. "Right here" one of the nurses said as she had a bundle in her arms.

"Congratulations! Its a boy!" She hands over our baby boy to laura.

~ Laura POV~

'Its a boy!' I hold my baby in my arms and look at him. I got tears in my eyes at the sight of my precious little baby. Ciel then sat on the edge of my bed. "So what are you going name it Ciel?" I asked not looking away from our baby. He looks at the baby. "How bout Connor?" I smiled.

"Connor....I like it" Then everyone came in. Which was Sophia, White, Hanji, sasha, Mikasa, Levi, Eren, and Armin. "Aaaawwwwwwwww" all the girls says as there surrounded me and look at my baby.

Then Connor open his mouth and yawn. {You know how cute that is!} "AWWWWWWWWWW!!!" Levi rolled his eyes. "So is it a boy or a girl?" Mikasa asked. "Its a boy and His name is Connor" Hanji then started jumping up and down. "He's soooo cute!!!!" I giggled.

My eyes started to close. "You guys should leave and give her some rest, labor takes a lot of energy" one of the nurses said. Everyone nodded and left. "Do you want to hold him Ciel?" I asked. He smiles and nods. I hand him over and saw Connor reach out and try to touch Ciels face as I giggled.

~Ciels POV~

I look at my son and saw that he open his eyes and tried to touch my face. I heard laura giggle. I smile at the both of them. Connie had Laura's hair and my eyes. I had a wonderful family. "I love you Connor and you to Laura" I look over to laura and saw she was asleep. I chuckled as I kiss her on the head.

I got up and laid next to her. One of the nurses walk up to me "Do you want me to hold your child sir?" I nodded as she grabs my son. I put my arms around laura and felled asleep.

~Lukes POV~

I enter the room and saw Laura and Ciel sleeping on the bed. My eyes turn pink at the sight of them "tch" I said. " excuse me sir, I didn't think you should be her" a nurse said. I look over and saw Laura's baby in a crib. I started walking to the baby.

"Sir please leave!" She said as she steps in front of the crib. I took out my knife and stab her. She gasp as she falls. Just as I was about to pick up the baby I felt someone behind jump on my back. "Stay away from the child" I took my hand and flip the person over and saw a other nurse. As soon she fell to the ground she fell unconscience. "Weak humans" I then pick up the child and took a good look at him.

"You should have been mine child and not His!"  I walk over to the widow and before I jump out I look over at Laura. "I'm not giving up in you" and with at I left.

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