Morning Wood

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Chapter: Morning Wood

Author: Axel Otto

Since I met Tuck, I've never gone a day without seeing him. Even if one of us skipped school, (usually me) or if one of us was deathly ill and in the hospital, (Tuck has a shit immune system) and even on holidays (we've celebrated quite a few Thanksgiving's together, even though I'm a German and do not give two shits that the Natives and the colonial Americans put aside their differences for one night.)

So, when my mother proposed a family trip to our homeland for Christmas, there was no way I was going without him.


"Tucker Moon Oaks, you ask me one more time and I swear I will never bake you chocolate chip cookies ever again."

That shut Tuck right up; he would marry chocolate chip cookies if it were legal. He turned to face me, wide-eyed and fearful, his stare begging me to say something to help our case.

"Look, Ms. O-"

"Axel, sweetie, I don't want to hear it from you either. My son is spending Christmas with his mother and his younger brother at home, not in Germany. If either of you ask me again I will forbid you from seeing one another."

Tucker and I both let out an audible gasp. "YOU BITCH!"

Ms. Oaks only smirked at her son's response. She was quite a dynamic woman, Ms. Oaks. She was frankly "the cool mom" who let Tucker throw parties, (although one was enough for the both of us) get hammered, and have girls sleep over. She didn't care if he cursed at her, if he made dirty jokes at dinner, or even if he never cleaned up his room, which honestly needs to be fucking vacuumed.

But what Ms. O did care about was her family. The three of them (plus Rick, occasionally) had mandatory family dinners every single Sunday. They all sat and ate breakfast together every morning, they went to church every Sunday, and on the 6th of every month they went to visit their fathers grave. Six was Mr. Oaks' favorite number, and ironically, he passed away from lung cancer on December 6th a few years before I met Tucker.

Tuck looked at me, his eyes pleading for some way to fix this horrendous ditch we were in. Christmas break was an entire week and a half, we couldn't go without each other for that long.

"We'll you'll just have to stay with us, I guess," Tuck proposed. I sighed.

"Mom wouldn't go for that either. Grandma's health is deteriorating and my parents say it's the last Christmas we'll have with her. I have to go."

Tucker groaned, then turned back to his mother, stamping his feet like a child. "Mommmmmmmmmm!"

"Tucker Moon, if you even finish that sentence, I swear-"


Tuck groaned again, running his hands through the thick brown hair he decided to grow out. It was all Maggie's doing. She had mentioned once in passing that she liked boys with long hair. Tuck hadn't gotten it cut since.

I didn't really get it though, because the only person who is even allowed to touch his hair is me. I mean, not even Maggie gets that luxury, and she's the one he freaking did it for. Whatever. Boys are confusing.

"Tucker," I said, slapping his shoulder. "I have an idea."

Tuck's brows furrowed. "MA! GET IN HERE! OTTO HAS AN IDEA!"

I heard Ms. O sigh dramatically from the kitchen she had retreated to. A few seconds later the sound of her heels clacking against the wood floor put a smile on Tuck's face. She glanced between the two of us, then put her hands on her hips. "Well, spill it, Axel!"

As Told By Tuck & AxelWhere stories live. Discover now