I Believe You're Missing Something

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Chapter: I Believe You're Missing Something.

Author: Axel Otto

Our book had been shipped to our hotel. Dave had given it glowing reviews. We were going to be published by HarperCollins. Harperfuckingcollins.

Tucker and I were elated. We both blew through half the book in one day. And then, I started to worry. Like, I started freaking out.

I had forgotten about one minor, insignificant detail about my writing. The one, minor, insignificant detail was oh, just my full flown CONFESSION OF LOVE for my best friend. I spill my heart out  in the third part of the book. I have no reservations—I say it all, when it comes to Tuck. In the beginning of the book, I forced myself to depict our relationship as something strictly platonic. And back then, it was. But now, since we graduated, it has been anything but.

I was scared shitless. Tuck was definitely marrying my sister, there was no going back. Except, if he read my part three, he would be marrying my sister KNOWING I'm in love with him, which would make it even more sad! So, I asked him not to read it, and he said he wouldn't. I successfully delayed the reveal of my lame-ass unrequited love self until further notice in order to give myself time to rewrite all of my chapters post-Duke. I was going to give them to Dave later that week, and Tucker wouldn't realize a thing. My plan was, if I don't say so myself, perfect.

And, to make everything 10 times better, it's not like Tucker  had anything to hide in part three of the novel, so I could still read the whole thing! Like I said, the plan was perfect.

That night, I sat up in bed reading our book. Peter yelled at me and told me to turn off the light, but I cursed him out and he rolled over and shut up for the rest of the night. I only had a few pages left by the time three AM rolled around, but I didn't need to read the rest of the book. I already knew how it was going to end, and it wasn't the ending I wanted. At all.

Tucker hadn't even written about us being intimate. He hadn't even acknowledged that our suddenly non-platonic relationship was the root cause of so many of our fights about Maggie. He hadn't even mentioned how hungry he was for me, that first night. He didn't say one word. And I think that's what made me so FUCKING mad.

I slammed the draft shut and threw it on the floor. It hit the ground so hard Peter jumped awake. I didn't bother explaining anything to him, I just left the room, on a mission to find my so-called best fucking friend.

As Told By Tuck & AxelWhere stories live. Discover now