You're Welcome, Tuck

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Chapter: You're Welcome, Tuck

Author: Axel Otto

There was this one night later that year before we went home for Christmas. Noah and I were still together, if you could call it that. He had openly admitted to me that he would much rather be fucking my best friend, but after the initial blow to my confidence, I got over it and just enjoyed the no-strings-attached sex I was having.

So this night, Ryan and I were with the whole team, just shooting crap and drinking and kissing girls at one of the senior houses. Tuck was at some party with his honors college friend Dave, and Noah was probably fucking another one of his regulars, a kid from the theater house named Johnny.

Ryan and I got tired of the party after a few hours, and decided we were tired and wanted to go home. My dorm was closer, so I offered up Tuck's bed for Ryan to sleep in. (I was more comfortable sleeping with Tucker for obvious reasons.)

So he agreed, and we started our tipsy trek over there. The room was dark when I unlocked the door, which I expected it to be. It was barely 12, Tuck wouldn't be home this early. So you could imagine my surprise when we stepped into the locked dorm room and heard a whispering voice.

I flicked the light on instantly. "Tuck? Is that you?"

It was. Except he wasn't alone. He was draped across his bed, half of him dangling off the edge. Hovering above him, was Noah. Noah's neck snapped back to the door as soon as the lights flickered on.

"Noah? What the hell is going on in here?" It was then that I realized both of them were shirtless, and Noah's hands were on the button of Tuck's jeans. "You dick," I snarled at the stunned boy I fucked only the night before. I ripped him off Tuck, and pushed him to the ground.

I looked down at my best friend, and I almost barfed. Tucker was passed out. He wasn't even conscious, and Noah was trying to take off his pants.

I felt myself sober up. I whipped around, and pushed Noah back down to the floor as soon as he started getting up. "WHAT THE FUCK? What the hell did you think you were going to do to him? He's unconscious, you scumbag!" It was then that I started kicking him. "He's unconscious! He's fucking unconscious!"

Ryan pulled me away from his limp body after a few minutes. I figured he had given me enough time to injure him, but not kill him. Ryan held me back while I caught my breath staring at Noah's body. He didn't move. Ryan turned to face me.

"I'll handle him. You handle Tucker."

I nodded, watching as Ryan grabbed the kid by his armpits, and flung him over his shoulder before leaving my room. I collapsed on Tuck's bed.

"Octavius?" I heard him mumble. I smiled, rolling over so I was facing him.

"Hey babe."

He closed his eyes. "I'm tired," he murmured. I got up, and helped Tuck get his pants and shoes off. I undressed myself, then lifted his lifeless body up so I could turn down his sheets.

He fell asleep almost as soon as he snuggled into my chest.

The next morning, he had the worst hangover I had ever seen on him. He vomited in the communal bathroom for a good hour before he came back and collapsed into my chest, begging for Advil. I got him some, then texted Ryan to bring us some bagels. He said he would.

"How bad was I last night?" Tuck asked, pulling on some new underwear after taking the shower I insisted upon.

"I don't know," I told him honestly. "I got here and you were unconscious..." I looked away from him. I didn't know what I would say to him. I got here, right as you were about to be raped by my horny fuck buddy? Sorry, bro, won't happen again? I mean, it was my fault after all.

"Spill it, Ax. What happened when you found me?" Tuck could always see right through me. I sighed. I never kept secrets from him.

"I got back from that soccer party with Ryan, and you were in here with Noah and the door was locked."

Tuck looked puzzled. For a smart guy, I was surprised he hadn't put the pieces together. "That was nice of him. I remember seeing him at the party, I guess he helped me get home."

I snorted, despite the rage that had built up in my chest. "Yeah. He got you home, and then he got you undressed. Tuck, he tried to... he tried to fuck you last night. I got here before he got your pants off, and then I beat the living shit out of him, but still. God I'm sorry, Tucker, I never knew he was like that, I-"

"Axel. Stop. That wasn't your fault."

"Tuck, I introduced this guy to you! And he thought it was okay to fuck you when you were unconscious!"

"So what? You introduce me to hundreds of people, Ax! The important thing is that you got here, okay? And I trust that after you had your way with him, he's not going to do anything more."

"Damn straight, he's not. I'm telling campus security. And the police. No way he's getting away with this."

"You're being a little rash, Axel."

"No I'm not! Next time, Tuck, it may not be you, but it could be someone smaller, someone weaker who couldn't defend himself! Or someone who doesn't have a kick-ass best friend with good timing who loves them, okay? So I'm sorry, but I'm not letting him get away with something as serious as this. And stop acting like it's nothing, Tuck. You were almost deflowered by some piece of trash!"

Despite only having a pair of boxers on, Tuck pulled me into a long embrace. "Thank you," he said. "I love you too."
"You better," I mumbled into his neck. "Because when you actually want to be deflowered by someone, it's going to be me."

Someone knocked on the door. I pulled away from Tuck quickly, and headed for the door. Ryan was here with bagels. I imagined Tuck was probably staring at my back with an opened mouth gape, a little stunned by my comment.

"Hey Ry, thanks dude." I grabbed the bag of bagels and led him inside.

"What's that look for?" Ryan asked Tuck. I smirked, and turned around to look at him. His mouth wasn't open, but his cheeks were red and he looked very, very embarrassed.

Tuck caught sight of me smirking and shook his head. "You can't just joke about shit like that, Ax."

Ryan looked perplexed. I took a bite out of a bagel. "The funny thing is, you think I'm kidding," I said, chewing on the bagel. I swallowed. "I'm not."

I did end up calling the police, but I never heard back about the case they insisted they had opened up. I also never did find out what Ryan did with Noah, but all I knew was that later week, I saw him at the campus Starbucks. He saw me, and fled. I figured I had done my job.

As Told By Tuck & AxelWhere stories live. Discover now