Two More Rings

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Chapter: Two More Rings

Author: Axel Otto

Over the past week, two major events had happened in the Oaks-Otto family. First, Tucker had proposed. I couldn't say I was elated, but then again, I was the one who practically shoved the ring on Maggie's finger. The second event, and arguably the best news I had heard in months, was that Rick had also proposed to Ms. O. And along with the ring, Rick included six first-class tickets to Hawaii where they would get married in a small, intimate ceremony on the beach with their four kids (yes, I was indeed included as one of their children. But then again, so was Maggie.)

Ms. O had called Tuck and told the two of us over speakerphone. Tuck and I were so excited. We gave each other a set of double high-fives, and immediately called our bosses to request time off for the wedding. It was happening the next week.

That night, after we heard the news, I came home from the gym and took a shower. When I headed towards the kitchen to scavenge for some left over's, I couldn't see much more than the small candle-lit kitchen table that could really only fit Tuck and I comfortably.

Tuck was already seated at the table, but when I entered the room, he stood up. I paused.

"Uh, what's this?" The table was set for what looked like my mother's Christmas dinner, except without all the food. I watched Tuck give a small smile.

"Well, since I kind of forgot your birthday on Saturday, I figured I had to outdo myself with the celebration this year. So," he paused, and pulled something out of the microwave. In his hands, Tuck held two saturated foam Cups O'Noodles. I couldn't keep myself from laughing.

"So, take a seat, Ax, I prepared your favorite." I did as he said, still laughing to myself. We ate and talked and messed around, and it was definitely my favorite birthday dinner. Just Tuck and me, doing Tuck and me.

Tuck did the dishes (read: he threw out the cup) and then sat down again. He placed a small wrapped box in front of me. "Happy birthday, kid," he said.

"You didn't have to get me anything," I said, grabbing the box greedily and ripping the paper off it. Tucker laughed slightly. He seemed nervous.

It was a small, green felted box. I looked up at Tuck for some sort of explanation. He took in a deep breath, then began to ramble.

"So, I know this may be sort of strange, and I know we've been in a really weird place lately... We've been fighting, a lot, and... kissing...a lot... and doing other things as well...but through everything, you've always been the only one. You've always been my best friend, the only person in the world I trust, the only person I would ever die for... You just deserve so much, for being there for me, and I never know what to give you, I never know how to show you how much I care, how much I appreciate you... So, I don't know, this seemed like the only thing that I could give you to tell you how much I love you. God I'm such a dork, just open it," Tuck instantly got up from the table and made a move to leave the room. I chuckled slightly, but grabbed his wrist before he could get too far.

"Babe, give me a second to actually open it!"
He paused, and I felt him lean onto my chair as I flipped open the box. Inside the box, was a silver band. A wedding band.

"It was my dad's."

I heard myself gasp. "Tucker..."

"You don't have to wear it. You can put it on a necklace or just shove it in the back of a drawer, I really don't care. I just want you to have it. I want it to be yours, from me. You're the only one who deserves it."

I turned around so I could look up at him. "Tuck, don't you want to have this? Didn't your mom give it to you so it could be your wedding band?"

He looked away from me. "Yeah, well, she gave it to me, so I can do whatever I please with it. Now, it's yours."

I reached down and gripped his hand in mine. He offered me a slight smile. "Thank you, Tucker. You have no idea how much this means to me."

He snorted. "No, Axel. You don't know much it means to me."

With that, I got up and pulled him into an embrace. He exhaled for what felt like the first time since we sat down for dinner. "I love you Tuck. Don't forget that." I loved him, of course, but in more ways than he thought I did. Especially after this.

He burrowed deeper into me neck. "Me and you against the world."

I chuckled. "Yeah. Me and you."

As Told By Tuck & AxelWhere stories live. Discover now