Tucker Gets More Than He Bargained For... Again

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Chapter: Tuck Gets More Than He Bargained For...Again

Author: Axel Otto

A few days after Tuck and I beat each other up, I was in my room getting ready to shower. Tuck and I had made up of course, and we laughed every time we looked at one another. Strangely enough, our faces had bruised the exact same way. Both of us had a black right eye and a crooked nose. Tuck had a cut on his lip as well, but other than that, we matched perfectly.

Once Mrs. Oaks saw the two of us the next day, she scoffed. "You two even hurt each other the exact same way! Can you boys do anything without one another?"

We told her that, no, unfortunately, we couldn't.

I had just pulled off my boxers, my hand on the doorknob to my bathroom ready to shower and then start my homework. I had the vague notion that Tuck was in my sisters room next door, but I had just gotten back from Jessica's house and didn't check to see if he was still here or not. I got my answer when my sister burst through my bedroom door.

"Octavius, I'm going to kill you!"

"Maggie!" I screeched like a little girl, grabbing my entire dick in my two hands. Remember, I'm supposed to be cleansing my sins from Jessica's house, not participating in a brawl with my sister. "Get the fuck out, I'm getting in the shower!"

Maggie didn't even blink, her stare only narrowed in on my eyes. She was not about to go anywhere. "Axel, tell your friend that he is allowed to have sex with me."

"Excuse me?" I didn't think I heard her right. Did she just demand I allow Tuck to fuck her?

"You heard me. Tuck won't even take my pants off because he's scared you're going to break up with him. So, tell him it's okay to have sex with me."

I adjusted my grip on my dick awkwardly. It really wasn't even contained, and my sister seeing me like this was really making my skin itch. "You two aren't allowed to fuck, and that's final, can you just get out?"

Maggie took a few threatening steps closer to me, completely ignoring my stark ass naked body. "Axel, I swear to god, I will cut off your dick if you don't stop acting like you own me. You're the biggest hypocrite I know. You can fuck girls, boys, horses, and dogs, but you won't let your sister have sex with the boy she's in love with, who just happens to be your best friend? At least I'm not whoring my way through the whole soccer team! You should be grateful that we're together, you little asshole!"

I switched my dialect. She knows I mean business whenever I start bitching her out in German. "Listen here, little girl. You are my baby sister, and I can't help that. You were born to this family just like I was, and therefore it is my job to protect you. Letting some senior boy defile your innocence isn't doing my job. I could give two shits if you love him, you just turned 17! You are far too young to be having sex, whether it's with Tucker or the whole soccer team, it doesn't matter."

Maggie screamed, then stormed out of my room and came back three seconds later with a shirtless Tuck on her trail. He looked like something the cat had dragged in.

"You two need to work out whatever this issue is. I am locking this door and not letting either of you come out until you realize how DUMB this is!" She turned to Tuck. "YOU need to stop being such a pussy and stand up for yourself!" I laughed, feeling awkwardly turned on as my dick jiggled against my palms. Maggie's stare flashed to my own. She spoke in rapid German. "And you, Octavius, need to get a fucking reality check! You are the biggest damn hypocrite I've ever met! You fucked Riley at 15, so don't you dare tell me I'm too young, because I'm not. Fuck you both."

And then she turned around and slammed my door, leaving a half naked Tuck and a full naked, dick-in-hand Axel all alone.

"Dude, put some clothes on," Tuck muttered turning away from me and falling down into the chair at my desk. "Jesus your dick doesn't even fit in two of your hands."

I snickered, removing my grip on said penis and walked towards my dresser to find a pair of underwear.

"God, Ax, I said put it away!"

I turned to wink at him and found his eyes still plastered to my lower half, despite his pleas for me to hide it.

"To be honest, I don't really think you want me to." Tuck's eyes darted to my own, his face reddening immensely. I snickered at his reaction as I pulled on a pair of boxers, Tuck muttering something about the size of my dick under his breath.

"Wanna play some Fifa?" I asked him, snapping the waistband around my hips. Tuck nodded, then made his way over to the giant beanbag at the end of my bed. I followed him, turning on the Xbox. We played Fifa for an hour or two, forgetting all about my sister and her angsty teenage girl attitude.

"Shit, is it already six? I gotta go dude, Mom's going to be pissed. You want to come over for dinner?"
He stood up, cracking his back. I shook my head no. "No, gotta shower. Never got to cleanse myself after you two came barging in."

Tuck gave me a sheepish smile. "Sorry dude, it's Mags, not me."

I nodded. "I know."

He slapped my bare shoulder. "Later, dude."

"Tucker," I said, causing him to shoot me raised eyebrows over his shoulder. I took a deep breath. "You can make love to my sister."

For some reason, Tuck didn't seem too overjoyed. "What?" he asked, turning around fully. "Why?"

I grew perplexed as well. "Why? Because you want to?"

"No, like, why can I? What made you change your mind?"

"Well, you heard her. She's going to have sex soon anyways. And, sorry if this is weird, but I'd like it to be your dick."

Tucker smiled, shaking his head. "Man, I love you."

"You too, babe. Now get the hell out of here, I still smell Jessica's boob sweat on me."
Tucker laughed, turning to head out.

"You will never change, Axel. Never."

Well, he wasn't wrong.

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