Sour Soup

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  Betty hopped down the steps of the bus, landing stiffly on her sneakers. The peppy blonde pulled her backpack around her shoulders as she waited on her best friend to exit. No,it was not Veronica Lodge she waited for, it was Jughead Jones.

  Could you imagine Veronica Lodge, the most elegant and posh teenage girl in Riverdale passing up an opportunity to ride in her private limousine to take public school transportation? Not in a million years.

  Just then Jughead stepped slowly down the steps, hands in his pockets and backpack slouched on his right shoulder. Betty smiled at him before wrapping her arms around his left one.

"Hungry?" she asked, as they started their two block journey home.

He quirked an eyebrow,"When am I not hungry?"

She thought about it,"When you're sleeping?"


"I have leftovers at my house." she smiled.

"Not for long."

  It was only a few minutes before they reached Betty's house. Jughead's house was behind hers on the next block, but no one was home to cook (although he himself was an excellent cook).

  Betty unlocked the back door and entered with Jughead tailing behind. They dropped their backpacks in Betty's room before racing to the kitchen.

  Jughead opened the refrigerator as Betty peeked her head inside. Sadly, the only leftovers was old French Onion soup. They exchanged looks before shrugging as Jughead then reached for the container. Betty warmed it up on the stove as it began bubbling and sending a very onion-y scent into the warm house.

  Eventually, Betty turned off the stove and ladled the soup into a large bowl for them to share. They took their spoons to their burning soup, bringing it up to their faces as they waited for the spoonfuls to cool. Jughead was first to react, noticing Betty's spoon lose its steam.

  She held her left hand under the silver utensil as it was carefully brought to her lips. One sip and she went into frenzy to get the horrible taste of rotten onion in bland broth out of her mouth. Jughead scoffed, watching her tilt her head under the sink to drink the water.

  Betty glared at him as the vile taste still invaded her mouth, "What, think this is funny?"

  He smirked at her, "I bet I could stomach this, you must just have a weak stomach not to enjoy fine cuisine."

"Oh please," she started, "I'm the one that made this soup about two weeks ago,and I know for a fact you can't stomach this rotten soup!"

  He quirked an eyebrow at her before grabbing the bowl and drinking the bitter soup. His mind went blank as his taste buds signaled a very bad taste. Jughead ran to the sink to wash his mouth out, but Betty still stood there, blocking his path to the water. He opened the fridge to find a single root beer soda.

  Thank goodness. He sighed in relief, as the soda washed away the bitter taste and Betty still suffered as the flavor continued to spread with the addition of cold water.

  She turned to see a satisfied look on his face, with a smirk she will not forget. The blonde glared, before chugging the last half of his soda. Just at that moment, Betty's phone rang.

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