Sweet Cinnamon

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The seconds went by in slow motion. Every tick was knocking at students' ears. Everyone was in anticipation of that school ending bell. Eyes locked on the thin red line that ticked along the circle. Feet tapped, yearning for the chance to speed out the door. The single ring triggered an avalanche of teenagers clamoring through the halls with the same goal of escaping the hallowed halls of Riverdale High.

While every other student fled the scene quickly, a single group of young adults waited behind, searching for one another. Adam and Ethel had the same mindset, find Jughead and Betty. Their targets were searching for them as well, words had to be said. Veronica, Archie and Reggie didn't bother to tag along. They simple ignited the fuse, the explosion would happen all on its own.

Betty and Jughead had devised a plan that afternoon after their encounter with the Blossom twins. If news had reached them so soon it would be bound to have reached other students too. They figured the ones most affected would have to be Ethel and Adam. Each one would reach out to whom they affected to patch things up. Their date was still on though, and the promise of a relationship was still afloat in their minds.

Jughead made his way quickly to the old tree just past the lunchroom, and there she was. Ethel Muggs. In that same spot she was hours ago when she was told of Betty and Jughead's relationship. Her earbuds in her ears and her hands in her lap. He walked up slowly as to not scare her away. The six foot tall male gripped his backpack awkwardly. The uncomfortable air was contagious apparently, since Ethel stiffened sharply and slowly turned her head to the floor. Jughead sat slowly on the only open piece of bench. She never moved.

He sighed, "Ethel, I know what you're thinking, and I really knew you liked me but-"

"But you like Betty." She cut in, removing the single earbud from her left side, "I get it Jug, I just need time to adjust. I don't hate you or anything I'm just thinking."

The tall male was relieved, but still was not satisfied with her quiet response, "Are you sure you feel alright? If it irritates you too much just say the word and we can hold off for a while."

Ethel smiled at him. He was so sweet. His dark and negative appearance made him seem like a cruel monster, but he wasn't.

"I'm absolutely fine. Now, you go and fall in love with her."

He smirked through half lidded eyes, " Already done."

And with that, he left.

Betty's conversation was not as similar. She still rode the bus with Jughead, but stayed home with someone else. She invited Adam over. The blonde wanted to have a civil conversation in a comfortable place. It wasn't like she wanted to talk once and never show her face to him, but patch up a friendship and work her way into her new relationship with someone else.

The doorbell rang. Betty brewed a cinnamon tea her mother often made for her on stressful days, and wanted to share it with Adam on his own stressful day. She opened the door smiling brightly, and he smiled back at her genuinely.

"Hi Adam. Welcome."

"Thanks Betty," His eyes scanned the wall tirelessly, but everything was exactly the same.

The blonde teen guided him into the kitchen, where the sweet scent of her cinnamon tea filled all the crevices of the room.

"Would you like a cup?" She questioned.

"Certainly, " he smiled.

As she poured the tea Adam began the awaited conversation, "Betty, did you want to talk about Jughead?"

Betty froze slightly, but continued to hand him his full mug, "I was getting to that part but yes."

"Why so suddenly? Why . . . why wasn't me."

This conversation seemed to have gone sour, but Betty kept her composure, "Because, I realized a lot that day when it happened. I realized I didn't like Archie, I realized Juggie had always been there for me, that he held me and cheered me up. He genuinely wanted me to be happy, and he's just, the most wonderful person I've ever met. He shares his food with me despite eating everything in sight, he walks me home from the bus and walks me to school in the morning. He's never left my side."

Adam felt his chest clench. He realized that no matter how much he chased after her and cared, he could not make her feel the way Jughead made her feel.

"That was amazing Bets."

Betty was pleasantly surprised. He seemed to not be scornful or angry in any way.

"Thank you very much Adam," she smiled through her pink lips.

Adam felt broken, but happy that she didn't have to be in a constant state of limbo with her emotions, or with Archie. He sipped his tea through a smile, hugged her, and left.

Betty sighed. It was almost over. It was only 4:30, there was still plenty of time for a date. She plopped on her couch and took her final sips of tea and closed her eyes.

"Would you like a refill on that ma'am?"

The blonde whipped her head around to see the one and only Jughead Jones. His own cup of tea in one hand, and the half empty tea pot in the other.

Betty smiled brightly, "Of course."

The black haired male refilled her cup before placing the pot back on the coffee table. He sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her, and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"So," Jughead began, "Wanna go out?"

Betty giggled, " Sure stud. When?"

Jughead pretended to think quizzically, "Right now," and he hugged her closer as they both laughed.

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