Cute Cupcakes

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Betty's worst enemy has always been her budget. She stood stiff at her slim closet. Plenty of casual clothes stared at her, jeans and hoodies peeked from the shadows of her shelves.
Why was she so nervous? So anxious to look perfect? She always wanted to dress nice on her dates with Archie, but she felt different today. She was excited but more nervous than anything. The first date should be perfect, especially with Jughead. He had escorted her to school dances and things like that, but defining it as a "date" made it seem so new and strange. She sighed and flopped on her bed. Nothing. Nothing to wear. Everything nice had already been worn on a date with Archie, and she wasn't too keen on wearing it to her very first with Jug.
There was soft tapping on the door. She sat up, she figured it was only Caramel, her cat and she guessed she was probably hungry. Betty opened the door to find her mother, smiling brightly.
"You've been in here all night Betty, why don't you come and eat with us?"
The teen blonde sighed, she didn't tell her mother of her date.
"Well I can't yet I'm deciding what to wear for my date . . ."
Alice grew a worried expression on her face, "You're going on another date with Archie . . ." she trailed off.
Betty bit her lip anxiously, "No I have one . . . with Jughead."
Her mother smiled brightly and brushed her daughter's cheek lightly.
"Well Betty, that makes it entirely different."
Betty smiled and turned back to her closet, her mom peering through the folded blouses and shorts on the shelves.
Time flew by in no time. The blonde teen tried on as many outfits as her and her mother could possibly create. Shoes and shirts were scattered on the floor, jeans and shorts tossed aimlessly on the bed and the electronic clock blinking red in the dim light. Alice looked over to the clock, it was 11:47, and that was when it hit her. Tomorrow was Monday. She gasped and began picking up various items from the floor.
Betty turned around quickly, "Mom, what happened?"
The older woman somehow had to explain in seconds as she picked up clothing that it was late and a school night and that they could worry about this later.
Betty sighed. She wished tomorrow wasn't Monday, it was strange for her to have a date on Monday, but then again, the person she was going on the date with was a little strange.
The blonde teen decided to shower to cleanse her mind. She arched her back as the warm water splashed against her skin. What would happen tomorrow? Would Jughead want to make his presence as her new love interest known? Would he not talk to Archie, or not allow her to talk to Archie? She faced towards the water, allowing it to drip down her cheeks and lips. No. He wouldn't do that. But, would he?
Betty began scrubbing at her head with shampoo, and let her mind wander back into the thought of her outfit. Jughead didn't like girly frilly things, so she decided against wearing a dress or heels. Jeans? A skirt? Shorts? She rinsed her hair and combed the conditioner through the tips of her hair. What would he wear? Not a suit. Would he opt to wear his S sweater and jeans? Did that mean it was okay for her to wear jeans and a T-shirt? She rinsed her blonde hair before stepping out and wrapping herself in a towel.
  She changed into her pajamas and flopped down on her bed, her wet hair leaving dark spots on her purple pillowcase. She stared at the ceiling thinking about tomorrow, until she finally fell asleep.

  Betty felt much more at ease when she woke up the next morning. She decided to wear dark blue high waisted jeans and her black sneakers along with a striped grey shirt. She decided it was best not to wear anything too fancy, she didn't know where she was going after all. After breakfast she made her way outside where Jughead was waiting for her, he was wearing black jeans, a blue plaid shirt and checkered sneakers, and of course his signature crown on his head.  She smiled and jogged down to see him.
  "Good morning Juggie," she giggled.
  He smiled too, "Good morning Betts."
  They began their long journey to school in silence when Jughead finally spoke up.
  "I-I got you something." He averted his gaze as his face dusted a rosy pink.
  Betty grinned and looked up at him with the same pink tint on her cheeks, "What is it?"
  He brought his hand towards her to reveal a miniature cupcake. It was vanilla, with a generous amount of lavender-colored frosting piped on top, all in a dark purple liner. The blonde teen's eyes widened. Even Archie, who had given her a handful of gifts; never actually made anything for her, it was always store bought. She stared for a long time and marveled at the tiny cake. Jughead became antsy without her response.
  "Its okay if you don't like it . . . I'm not the best baker and I only made it purple because its your favorite color and-"
  Betty's heart skipped. She felt herself become more ecstatic. He remembered her favorite color? She had only told him once when he asked the day she moved to Riverdale, and he remembered? She often had to remind Archie and sometimes Veronica that her favorite color was purple, but he remembered so easily, said it like it was just common knowledge. She truly was falling for him.
  She snapped out of her daze when she realized they were still walking to school. She delicately picked up the cupcake and began to lick at the frosting. The dark haired male waited anxiously for her response. Betty bit into the cake to discover a raspberry filling in the middle. She greedily licked her lips and devoured the rest of the pastry in one swift bite.
  Jughead smiled. She seemed satisfied. The blonde girl stopped dead her tracks. Jughead turned swiftly, afraid something was bothering her.
  "What's wrong Bets?"
  Betty smiled and hugged him.
  "Nothing. I'm just not ready to see everyone's face when we get to class."
  Jughead chuckled lightly, "Well, if we hide in the supply closet we wouldn't have to see anyone."
  She chuckled. She wanted to see them. She wanted them to see her. The new Betty. The Betty that didn't need Archie. The Betty that was falling in love with Jughead Jones. 


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