Memorable Milkshakes

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   Betty's head was spinning when she arrived at Pop's. She was nervous as hell, and she didn't want to let go of Jughead's hand.

   Jughead led her to that sacred booth where their first date happened. He left her alone in the booth and talked to Pop at the counter.
  Betty bit her lip and looked around. Only a few other people were in the restaurant, teenagers hanging out just like Betty used to do. She placed her chin in her hand, and leaned on the table. The window displayed the blue sky and powdery white clouds.

  Jughead returned smiling, and gripped his hands on Betty's free hand.

  "Calm down. Nothing bad is going to happen. I promise."

  She smiled and relaxed, looking into those pitch black eyes. A blush dusting her cheeks. She felt silly, she was already with Jughead but he still managed to make her feel warm and bubbly inside with his words.

  "So, what did you want to talk about?"

  Jughead smirked,"Well, its more like a surprise. I have a surprise for you."

  Betty smiled brightly,"What is it?!" She rambled excitedly.

  Jughead chuckled, "You have to promise not to panic when I show you."

  Betty gasped, "Are you pregnant!?"

  Jughead furrowed his brows and laughed, "That can't happen Bets."

  Betty laughed and then put on another fake shocked expression, "Am I pregnant!?"

  Jughead's eyes widened, "What?  I think you would know that before me," he finished his sentence with a soft chuckle.

  She smiled, "I love messing with you. Did you know that?"

  "Did you know that your jokes aren't funny?"

  "I didn't know you laughed at unfunny jokes."

  He smiled brightly at her, "I have taught you well."

  Betty winked, "I have learned much from you."

  Pop's walked up to the booth and placed two milkshakes in front of them. Betty beamed and went to hers. Jughead stared at her intently.

  "What are you looking at?"

  "I'm looking for something."

  He pulled at her straw and stirred it around. Betty pouted and crossed her arms,"Are you done playing Sherlock?"

  Jughead began poking around the whipped cream with his fingers.

  "Ew! Juggie!"

  He sighed and passed her his milkshake, keeping his eyes on the whipped topping in his fingers. Betty watched him but took a sip. She twirled the straw around as her boyfriend explored her former milkshake.

  She heard something clink against the glass and she immediatly looked down. Did she break the glass with her straw? How?  She examined the glass saw no damage, but she did see something silver pressed against the side between the straw and the glass.
  Her heartbeat quickened as she quickly went to fish it out. It was covered in milkshake and whipped cream. She licked it off and saw a ring.

  She gasped and her breath hitched her chest.

  She tapped on Jughead's shoulder, "Is that what you were looking for?"

  He looked up quickly and his eyes went wide,"Dammit, he switched the cups!"

  Betty smiled," Don't tell me you were proposing . . . Were you?"

  He went into a panic, "What no! It-it's a-a promise ring."

  She smiled at the ring and looked back at him, "What do you promise?"

  "I promise to be the best boyfriend. I will take you on dates, I will never make you cry and I will always support you. I won't let you feel lonely and I will make sure you know how wonderful you are and that you are special to me."

  Betty's eyes nearly watered. That's the most emotion he's ever displayed in his entire life. And it was for her. Just for her.

  She leaned over and cupped his cheeks, kissing him passionately,"I promise I won't let you break your promise."

  "You better. You never know when I might stand up and leave to get a burger."

  "That's okay. As long as you bring me one."

  He smiled and took the ring from her and placed it on her ring finger.

  They smiled at each other, keeping their hands interlocked.

     "I love you."

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