Flavorful Fudge

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The breeze shifted the leaves outside and carried the scent of burning wood with it. It was winter in Riverdale, and the cold left all the residents using their chimneys in an effort to warm themselves and their families. Nearly everyone who could be inside, was inside.

There was an exception, their names were Betty and Jughead. They decided it would be a good day to walk along the empty streets of downtown Riverdale. They went into no stores, although they were cold, they would much rather stay outside pressed against each other. The bright lights projected themselves in their eyes, and the moon was hidden within the clouds. 

They finally came upon it, their destination. That candy store. The most expensive candy store in town. The bright colors and inviting scents tempted them to use their money to get at least one piece of those tantalizing sweets. Of course, even though they were so needy, they knew they would regret spending so much money on something like candy, but then again, it was candy.

It was a week before Christmas, and they were both scoping out gifts for each other, and it seemed as though candy was going to become their best bet. They still stared into the shimmering window with a childlike delight and their mouths watered at the chocolate display in the center of it all. A chocolate fountain, chocolate covered fruits, fudge and bars and drizzled popcorn, it was all so surreal.

And as both of them stared with great intent at the display, they instantly knew what to get each other.

Before they knew it, it was the day before Christmas Eve, and cuddled together for warmth, Betty and Jughead had enclosed themselves in the comfort of Jughead's bed. An arm around his girlfriend and blankets on his body left the tall male very content that evening. Their soft breathing muted only momentarily due to the squeal of the breeze through the window.

No need to brag, but Betty felt as though her life was absolutely perfect. She pressed her head further into his chest, his breaths raising her head ever so lightly.  The blonde could feel words try to spill from her lips, but the comfortable silence only added to the calm aura in the room. Her blue eyes fell onto the the door where her bag lay. The temptation of opening it and indulging in the treat she bought for herself and Jughead was so strong she wanted to jump out of bed.

The way Betty felt around Jughead was like nothing she had ever felt before; not with Adam, not with Jason, not with Archie. Such a wonderful feeling it was, the feeling of love and comfort unlike any other emotion in the world. She could never repay him with gifts, but what she didn't realize was that Jughead was more grateful of her that she was of him. He had adored her for so long, and now that his feelings were reciprocated, he was having the best time of his life.

Still gazing at her bag in the corner, Betty had no idea that something was also taunting Jughead. His drawer hid a special surprise that he knew they would both enjoy. Such a temptation it was, the need to give it to his love but the uncontrollable feeling that he wanted to keep it for himself. He had no time to think it over though, because he was already out of bed and pulling open his drawer. Betty sat up quickly and watched as he pulled a silver bag out, and she jumped out to reach her own gift in her bag.

After the gifts were retrieved, they sat in bed again, staring at each other for what felt like days. Betty cleared her throat and held out her present, wrapped in a green box and adorned with a gold bow. Jughead smiled softly and took it, while simultaneously handing her his own gift. 

Both too excited and anxious, they nearly ripped open their gifts. Both were very surprised to see similar wrapping on the presents, and the same logo from that legendary candy store.

"Great minds think alike I guess, " Jughead chuckled.

"Let's see who's mind is greater then," the blonde smirked sarcastically.

They unfolded the paper wrapping to find identical gifts; fudge. Fudge. They both stared at the same chocolate display, the fountain, the fruits, but they both got fudge.

The two looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they practically read each other's minds. 

Betty lied back down on the bed and Jughead followed. There was no need to share, and they each greedily attacked their treats as if they were children. Once piece was salvaged by Jughead per Betty's request. A single piece for Jellybean.

Silence consumed them once again as their mouths stopped moving and the chocolate goodness coated their stomachs. Betty was ready to thank him when a slam hit the door. They both froze. If it was Jughead's parents why would they bang the door? The door was hit again, followed by some scratching, that's when it hit them; Hot Dog. 

Regardless if it was something poisonous to the gluttonous dog (like chocolate) he wanted to eat it, especially if Jughead ate it too. The tall male opened the door to his pet and Hot Dog ran in like a freight train. He sniffed at the floor and the bed until he spotted the delicacy at the bedside table. He dashed towards it, but Betty was fast to grab it and roll off the bed to keep it out of his reach. The dog jumped on her and began whimpering and attempting to lick and dig through her. Jughead pulled him away and dragged him out the door. Hot Dog whimpered again in protest before Jughead pulled his bag of beef jerky from his drawer and toss it at him. He closed and locked the door to see Betty on the floor.

She stuck her tongue out at him and begin rolling around on the cold wooden floor. He smirked before rushing towards her and snatching her in his arms. Betty squealed and left the wrapped fudge escape her fingers as she wrapped her arms around Jughead's shoulders. 

The dark haired male stared at her greedily, "Did you know that chocolate is an aphrodisiac?"

Betty blushed but smiled, "Hold your horses their partner, no lollygagging allowed."

He smirked and locked lips with the blonde and pressed her onto the bed.

"Did you not hear me? I said no lollygagging buddy, " she mumbled underneath him.

"Just one more kiss?"

She blushed and nodded yes . They leaned in again and connected lips again, turning their heads to deepen the kiss.

"Thanks for the gifts Betty Cooper," he whispered in her ear.

"No, thank you Jughead Jones," she said as she picked up her things and left.

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