Crumbled Cookies

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Sick. The worst word in the dictionary, according to Betty Cooper. The blonde lied in bed, and hated every second of it. Her cheeks burned and her legs felt like lead, and all she could do was lie and groan. How she got like this you might ask? Well, after eating as much junk food as Jughead Jones the night before, and walking home with him in the rain, she was bound to catch something.
Occasionally, her mother came in, bringing her herbal teas and fruits. Betty sighed, being inactive was unusual for her. Even when she sat at home she would bake or cook or occasionally play a video game to keep herself occupied, but in her exhausted state it was difficult to do anything. She could see the sunlight peeking in from behind her curtains, and it gave her the urge to run outside and bask in the warmth of the sunshine. But she couldn't.
Alone in her thoughts, twirling a blonds curl in her fingers, her favorite music playing softly in the background, Betty turned on her side and watched the steam from her tea dance away in the breeze. A ring jolted her up. She perked up listening to chattering, then footsteps pounding up the stairs. The blonde sat up all the way this time, her purple sheets revealing the red 'S' sweater Jughead left her the night before as they walked in the rain, to her slight disappointment he had another shirt underneath.
A knock. Betty turned remembering she was still sick in her room.
"Betty, Veronica is here," Her mother chimed from behind the door.
"Come in."
Veronica bolted in, holding a small cookie tin in one hand, and a designer purse in the other. The brunette wore nothing out of character, a lavender designer blouse complete with a white skirt and white pumps, a single gold hoop bracelet on her right wrist.
"Betty! What happened to you! I get a call from your mother that you're sick and you don't even tell me!"
The blonde teen smiled, Veronica didn't seem like it, but she really was concerned, "Its alright Ron, just a cold it should be gone soon."
Veronica's perfect red lips curled into a smile as she sat on the edge of Betty's bed, "Now, I wanted to cheer you up, so, instead of buying you something I thought of what you did for me when I was sick, bake!" She opened the tin to reveal a disaster of burnt broken cookie pieces, but the brunette continued to beam with delight, "Look I made them just for you! Peanut butter!" Veronica continued to smile.
Betty just stared into the void of baking disasters, burnt black to a crisp and broken to an inedible point. Veronica dug her perfectly manicured hand in to pull out a salvaged half of a cookie and held to her best friend.
"Uh Ron, I really shouldn't be eating like this right now, I might get even more sick, I'll eat them when I feel better."
Veronica sealed the tin again and peeked at Betty's sweater (Jughead's) while she took a sip of her tea.
What is she doing wearing that? Jughead won't share food let alone clothes but, still, why would she- Veronica woke up from her thoughts hearing Betty place her teacup back on the nightstand.

"Ronnie? You OK?" The sickly girl asked, her voice a bit nasally.
"No, no nothing I was just remembering when you baked me cookies when I was sick." Veronica smiled her million dollar smile framed in those perfect red lips.
Smiles were then exchanged.

The rich teen stood up leaving the tin next to the blonde's tea on the nightstand, "Great, well, I'll be off then, I've got a hair appointment."
She leaned down to hug her sick friend then proceeded out the door.
Betty straightened up her ponytail and put her head down again when she heard another knock.
"Delivery." The voice messaged through the door.

Betty giggled, "Yes, come in."

Jughead Jones walked in, arms full of goodies for the blonde and he sat right next to her on the bed. In silence he opened all the containers for her, first, a new box of teas, mint. Second, a cake from Pop's, next a bag of her favorite fruit, cherries and lastly another favorite, bubblegum ice cream.
She smiled brightly through her exhaustion and placed her head on Jughead's shoulder as she began to pick at the cherries. He turned on her TV and began to set up a game for the two of them. Neither one had to talk to know Jughead's presence alone made her happy, and his gifts helped even more, and for the first time that day Betty was happy, and she could feel the sunshine. Betty's mother smiled through the crack in her door when Jughead hadn't fully closed the door. A match made in heaven. I was gettig tired of her crying over that Andrews boy anyways.

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