Magnificent Milkshakes

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  Betty couldn't be exactly sure how her date would go. Jughead was quite out there, and not one for romantic gestures. He left about 20 minutes ago. It was close to 6, and Betty's parents were downstairs as their daughter prepared for her first official date with Jughead.

  Her heart beat swiftly in her chest. She watched herself twirl her hips in her mirror. was her outfit okay? The blonde pursed her lips and walked back to her closet. More jeans and blouses stared at her. Her skirts and dresses followed her moves. Betty knew Jughead wasn't one to care about fashion or female clothing, but she still was on edge about being under dressed for her date. Then, as she flopped on her bed and stroked her cat's neck lightly, a folded shirt was spotted on top of her desk. Betty walked straight towards the red fabric. Upon opening it, she smiled. She found her perfect outfit.

  The time went by too slow. Jughead worked diligently at Pop's, preparing his surprise for Betty. Archie and Veronica sat on the opposite end of the restaurant, desperately waiting for the blonde to arrive. They wanted to know why they were really together. Was Jughead really capable of emotions for girls? Was this some poor attempt at a rebound relationship after Betty dumped Archie? They wanted to see how they were going to act around each other, to see if they were filled with hate for Archie, or if they really were having a sincere date.

  Jughead stepped away from his work and waved at Pop, a signal Veronica and Archie had no idea behind. Pop secluded himself in the kitchen. Jughead turned off most of the lights to create a dimmer and more serene atmosphere. He was no Romeo, but he managed to pull of a legit and romantic date for the love of his life. He adjusted his crown and his black bow tie ever so slightly and sat down.

  Veronica stood up as Jughead turned his attention to his phone. The scene he had created made her eyes glisten and her breathing hitch. Jughead Jones, self proclaimed woman hater had just created something one would only see in a romance movie. It made Veronica drop down into her seat, tears forming in her eyes. What had she done? She wanted to ruin their relationship. She wanted to keep her best friend Betty Cooper away from someone who obviously loved her.

    Archie watched as Veronica's tears ran down her cheeks. He was a bit unsure as to why until the brunette lifted her head and grabbed his shoulders still with wet drops staining her rosy cheeks.

"Look at what we're trying to stop Archie. Look at what we didn't want to happen."

  The redhead stared at her confused. She was all for it a few minutes ago. What happened to her? Archie and Veronica then turned stiff as they heard the familiar sound of the door opening.

  Betty peered around curiously at the dim diner. The hidden teens peeked their eyes over the booth and watched as Jughead and Betty made eye contact. The blonde nearly had a heart attack. The booth for two they share in the lonely corner of restaurant was decorated in purple and white ribbon; soft white lights dangled from the seats and purple balloons with weights to keep them down were placed around the whole area. 

  Jughead scanned Betty as she explored his work. He smiled as he saw his red "S" sweater hanging off her shoulders, it nearly reached to her knees and her perfect curls were in her trademark ponytail. His eyes moved to her face as he watched how in awe the blonde was. Her mouth agape and eyes glistening scanning the booth. He blushed and felt his heart pump faster. He did a pretty good job. The tall male held his hand out to her and Betty gladly accepted. Pop came out with a giant milkshake in hand. Two straws pokes out from the whipped topping.

  The couple sat down and locked their finger together and used their free hands to reach for their straws.

"I was not expecting this at all," Betty laughed as she gulped down her thick milkshake.

Jughead chuckled and smirked, "I am a man of surprises Betty."

 They both laughed and locked eyes. Jughead watched Betty's pink lips curl into a smile. He wondered is they tasted as sweet as the milkshake. It would be lying to say Betty wasn't simultaneously checking out Jughead too. His furrowed dark brows and sharp nose all framed in a slim pale face and jet black hair.

  The blonde then removed her lips from her straw, "So, does this make us official?" she chuckled.

Jughead smirked with straw still in mouth,"No."

Betty felt her smile drop and she loosened her grip on his hand.

Jughead leaned over the table,"This does."

There was little time to react as Jughead's lips met Betty's. The explosion of emotions between the two was legendary. A flow of love and shock flowed through their veins and their hearts pumped roughly at their chests. The romantic air made it feel as though their souls were intertwining in the air above them. Veronica and Archie watched and felt sore in their chests. Why did they ever want to keep them away from each other?

  Betty and Jughead pulled away from one another trying to regain their breath and held each other' s hands. Both their cheeks were painted a rosy pink and their locked glances had them wanting more. Jughead licked his lips and savored her sweet flavor that was unique to her. These milkshakes have nothing on her lips.


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