Tasteless Truffles

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  Veronica's blood red Italian heels clacked loudly as she angrily speed walked to the lunchroom. She heard from sources which she did not name (the cheer leading squad) that Archie called Betty for a movie date yesterday after school.

  Her fuming rage was sensed as she slammed the double doors open and practically ran to Betty's table. Archie sat opposite to Betty and Jughead, who sat together on the other side of the booth


  Veronica's screech was heard throughout the school as most the students eating began running away or contently staring at the argument that would commence.

  Archie looked at her horrified with a sheepish smile, "Hey, honey lamb," he whispered.

  Betty and Jughead smirked as Jughead slid Archie a box of chocolate truffles in a bright gold box under the table. Archie smiled at his crown-wearing friend and held them out to his high tempered girlfriend.

Veronica's face relaxed as she softly smiled before turning and making a smug face at Betty.

  "Thank you very much Archiekins," she said as she opened the sealed box, the chocolate scent enveloping the booth. As she smugly glared at her blonde best friend she placed a whole truffle delicately in her mouth.

  "ARCHIE ANDREWS! YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO BUY ME DARK CHOCOLATE WHEN YOU KNOW I PREFER MILK CHOCOLATE! I HATE DARK!" she growled at him in anger, to where flames almost burst from her eyes.

  The redhead's smile faded, he knew Veronica hated dark, he should've checked the box, he should've thought of buying her chocolates in the first place, he shouldn't have asked out Betty and told Reggie about it at football practice.

  Veronica tapped her foot in impatience to his incompetence and waited for him to fix the situation.

  "Uhm, Ronnie, let's go to a movie tomorrow, just us I'll pay for it all."

  Betty deflated in her seat. That was supposed to be their date tomorrow, the one that started this whole fiasco.

  Veronica smiled and graciously hugged Archie. The couple walked out the room and Betty sat there with Jughead in comfortable silence as he consumed his lunch and the uneaten half of Betty's.

  Unlike most days, the blonde managed to restrict her tears, the pain was still there, but it hurt less when Jughead was there, and anyhow, she was used to it.

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