Pungent Peppers

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Who could've guessed that such seemingly innocent actions could have lead to two teens having an emotional crisis? Adam couldn't exactly come to terms with what had occurred with Betty. How on Earth had she managed to breakup with Archie, and start a new relationship with someone within a weekend? And a relationship with Jughead Jones for that matter.

  Even as the rage scorching through his veins at this sudden competition he had no idea to worry about, Ethel Muggs was having a similar reaction to this predicament.

  She had locked herself in the bathroom. Staring at herself in the mirror as she watched a single tear drip down her reddened cheeks. Of course she knew that Jughead was never really her boyfriend or had serious intentions of dating her, but she had a crush on him as long as she could remember. Although it was quite saddening, she couldn't stay mad at him or Betty. Betty was always sweet and helpful to Ethel. She was always a good friend and Ethel was good to her in return. Jughead, even though he was usually rude and sarcastic to Ethel, she didn't mind. He wasn't soulless and did show kindness when appropriate.

  All in all, coping with their dillemas was not exactly a walk in the park for either one, but as they both cope their own ways two more people would either suffer or rebel to this new standing; and their names are Blossom.
  No one could kill someone's status like Cheryl Blossom. So when the Blossom twins took their limousine to Riverdale for lunch; Reggie Mantle was not going to let this opportunity go to waste. So when he saw the twins drive by Riverdale High, he nearly killed himself by running in front of the long black car, causing the tires to screech loudly. Cheryl Blossom hopped out the car furiously. She wore navy blue shorts, a button up white blouse and black ankle boots.
  "Reggie what is the matter with you? You could've killed me!"
  The black haired male took the time to catch his breath before answering, "I actually had some important news for Jason."

  Jason Blossom walked out the car, he wore black dress pants, a light blue button up shirt, and dark brown shoes.

  "Whatever could you have to tell me?" the redheaded male questioned.

   Reggie could almost feel the words crawling their way up his throat just aching to be told, but he had to restrain himself, "Well I assumed you would like to know the news about Betty."

  Jason turned as well as Cheryl, her fiery red hair twirling around her body. Now her curiosity was perked, which was Reggie's intentions; so the dark haired male continued to tug at their strings.

  "It's just that . . . Betty dumped poor old Archibald a few days ago and I thought I should tell you about who she's set her sights on now . . ."

Jason's appearance changed to fiercer look, "And who would that be?"

  Cheryl interrupted, "Don't listen to him, he's probably just trying to brag he's got her to go on a date with him."

  "Ohohoho no my dear, that's not at all what I'm trying to say, " Reggie's words slithered around them as though they had a devilish personality like him, "I'm just warning the both of you not to be surprised when you find out who her new boyfriend is. . ."

  His words stung the male millionaire's ears. He always had his sights set on Betty, and although not content on her relationship with Archie, he tolerated it as he tried his best to channel his emotions towards the blonde teen. A sudden new boyfriend in a few days was not good news.

  "Who is it Reggie," Jason's firm voice set Reggie as well as his sister uneasy.

  Cheryl didn't talk, which was unusual to do, but it had appeared that she was more interested in discovering this new breed of gossip that had awakened for her to spread.

  Reggie didn't want to disobey his words, "Would it be an acceptable answer if I said that the boy in question was Jughead Jones?"

  Cheryl's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. Her mind could not grasp the fact that Jughead Jones; famous for woman hating and rejecting dates with some of the most beautiful girls in town. How could he go out with Betty? And in such a short amount of time; how was it humanly possible? Even though it was so extremely outlandish, the red head bit her red stained lips and began tapping quickly at her phone.

  Jason was not so quick to agree, "She is not going out with him so tell me the answer now Reggie."

  His voice was stern and angry, but Reggie told the truth and bit his tongue in anticipation so he could drip out all the juicy details, "I wouldn't lie to you Jason, what I said was one hundred percent true, they were even holding hands this morning and cuddling in the cafeteria, you can even ask Veronica and Archie they saw it with their own eyes."

  By this time, Jason was infuriated and ran into Riverdale High. Cheryl walked past Reggie slowly and locked eyes with him, as to hopefully make her intentions of spilling more gossip possible if he told her more information.

  "If you want more go inside. They speak for themselves."

  Cheryl then walked by proudly her strong perfurme and shiny red hair gave her the appearance of a walking hot red pepper, so spicy you can smell its flavor. This could be proven as true in Reggie Mantle's opinion; just like the spice, Cheryl's perfume is like her own flavor, bold and outgoing, slighty sweet but strong and harsh. It would be fun for him to see and hear what she thinks of this new relationship. Could she bring them down? Or maybe she will empower them? Who knows . . .



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