Acidic Apples

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What could be worse than one teen heartbroken by Jughead and Betty? Three to be exact, and even though not all of them were the vengeful type, emotions were inescapable. Ethel was a mess. She wasn't passionate about breaking up the newly forged relationship, but she wasn't the happiest of campers with the situation either.

Adam was troubled as well. His instincts torn between hatred and passion for Betty. Was he willing to just give up and spite her actions? He really felt as though he loved Betty, but now he couldn't.

There was no time to mourn though, for the bell had rang, signifying class would begin soon. Hundreds of students began making their way through the halls to reach their class before it was too late, but not all the students rushing through the halls attended Riverdale High. The Blossom twins were inside, Jason rushing through the halls as Cheryl tried desperately to catch up. A mission was at hand. Where were Betty and Jughead? No one could answer. They attended their morning classes, but disappeared after lunch.

It was not a challenge for the redheaded twins. Jason had occasionally walked Betty to class when he visited Riverdale, and Cheryl, despite fighting with Betty and Veronica over Archie, is in reality a close friend of Betty's. They knew exactly where to go. Chemistry. Downstairs East building. Room 313.

Once the siblings arrived at the door, no surprise, Betty was inside. She sat next to Jughead at a lab table, both tapping away at their keyboards, just as the other students were doing, and sharing ear buds listening to music. Jughead took bites from the green apple every few seconds, enjoying the bitter acidity and soft sweetness. Mr.Flutesnoot noticed the visitors from his desk and went to investigate.

"Excuse me, but are you two lost? I don't think I've ever seen you in class."

Jason peered at the teacher with a stern face, "We need to see Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones outside."

Mr. Flutesnoot was dumbfounded. He assumed they were nothing but random students roaming the halls, but why did they need Betty and Jughead?

"Well excuse me but do you have a note or something I can see?"

Cheryl finally spoke this time, "It has to do with the yearly bake sale. We need them to confirm the recipes they picked."

The teacher was still on edge, but complied with the false request, "Alright, go get them."

The redheads sped past him and made a direct path towards the couple. Betty and Jughead only noticed them once Cheryl came and hugged Betty around her shoulders.

"Betty! How come you haven't told me about your new boyfriend!?"

The blonde teen stopped typing and a pink tint crawled on her cheeks. She knew people were going to find out about her and Jughead, but still hearing him being called her 'boyfriend' made her head spin.

Jason however was too angry to wait for a response, "Betty why on earth would you date him and not me? You know I've always liked you! So why Jughead of all people?"

Jughead was not offended. He was angry. He nearly threw his apple at Jason. Jughead liked Betty before Jason even met her, and he was about to let him know.

"If you've always liked her tell me, what was her favorite animal in first grade."

Betty turned swiftly at him. What was he doing?

Jason was in shock as well. what kind of question was that? How was he supposed to know that?

"Now why would I know that?"

"I know that. I also know her cat's name. Her favorite color. Everything."

Jason nodded away in disbelief, "How do expect me to believe you know all that."

"Because I am her best friend and her boyfriend. I've been there for her all her life. Where were you everytime Archie ditched her and made her cry? Were you the one wiping away her tears and telling her it would be okay?"

The class stood still. Everyone heard. Everyone looked at the scene intensely, included Mr. Flutesnoot. Not all of them were sure what was going on, but it was obvious that the Jason Blossom was just shut down by Jughead Jones.

Betty felt her heart race faster. Jughead was for her. She knew it. He spoke so passionately about her, and never moved his arm from around her waist. Her mind relaxed and she nuzzled her head into his neck. Jughead loved her. She knew it. She loved him. She knew it.

Jason, although angry, he now felt guilty and remorse. He wasn't there. Jughead was. He liked Betty.  Jughead loved her. He had no chance. Cheryl was shocked as well. She wasn't that close to Betty, but learning it was Jughead always behind the scenes soothing her, she felt as though she had a job to do. She hugged Betty and Jughead. Grabbed Jason's hand walked out the class without making a sound.

The other students were still in awe at the couple and at Jughead's actions. Many girls got up and asked Betty about Jughead and what had happened with Jason and Archie and the others, and the boys congratulated Jughead on making it with Betty. Not much time was left for chit chat though, for the bell had rang, and Betty and Jughead walked out together, hand in hand.

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