Sweet Snow Cones

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The heat came early to Riverdale. The hot waves covering the sky like a blanket, it was suffocating. Summer felt like living in an oven, and it was very difficult to have fun outside; at least that's what everyone else thought.

Betty and Jughead found themselves sitting comfortably under the shade of a large maple tree. The park was empty, the only exceptions being children who dragged their parents out in the unholy heat.

Jughead adjusted himself on the blanket set atop the grass. He was careful with his movements, for Betty lied down on his chest. They didn't know how long they had been there, drifting in and out of sleep for hours. Betty scooted herself up from Jughead's stomach to his shoulder, holding him stiffly. He turned over to face her from his laying position.



Betty smiled with those pretty thin lips and Jughead could feel those warm happy feelings bubbling in his stomach. He closed his eyes again and peacefully listened to Betty's soft breathing. She closed in more, wrapping her arms around his chest and nuzzling into his side. The sleepy feeling dragged her eyes down, and keeping herself awake was becoming more and more difficult.

Music began to play. The sweet melody that brought treats for all. Jughead's ears perked at the sound, and he stood up quickly, sliding Betty off in the process.

"Rude," she pouted.

"Get up sleepy."

She sat up grumpily, "Why is it that I let you sleep but you can't let me sleep?"

He smirked, "That's how this relationship works sweetie, Juggie sleeps and Betty watches."

"Hah, you're funny for a lazy bum."

"I try."

He gripped her hand and pulled her up, still distracted by the music, which Betty also found herself hearing.

"An ice cream truck!" she smiled ecstatically.

"Calm your pants shorty, we gotta find it."

Betty stuck her tongue out at him, "You're such a bully!"

"And you're a brat," he said, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

They followed the sound down the grassy hill and towards the playground. There were lots of children yelling and whining at their parents for ice cream. The truck was busy, the drivers constantly handing ice creams and chips and sodas and pulling in money.

They closed in, noticing the line dying down and the crowd leaving. Betty excitedly gripped her boyfriend's hand as she read the signs and pictures on the side of the cheaply painted van doors.

"Let's get snow cones!"

Jughead smiled at her enthusiasm and stepped up to the opening on the truck.

"Two rainbow snow cones ma'am."

The woman smiled and retreated into the back of the van. She returned but a minute later, the icy treat sitting in a paper cone, "Six dollars please."

Jughead retrieved his wallet from his pocket and paid the woman. She handed the snowcones to Jughead and smiled at Betty.

"You have a very sweet boyfriend, and he's so handsome!"

Betty blushed and smiled shyly, "I like to think I'm very lucky."

Jughead lowered his head trying to contain his rose dusted cheeks.

"And you too; your girlfriend is so pretty! What a perfect couple! You must be very happy."

Betty gripped Jughead's hand, "We are the happiest couple you will ever meet! I think we were made for each other," she smiled at her boyfriend, who was still trying to hide his flushed face.

He lmlooked up with his dead expression, but still pink cheeks, "Thank you for the compliments, and the snow cones."

The woman grinned at him, "You're welcome. Have a lovely day!"

The truck drove away down the hill, probably to the next playground. Betty and Jughead still stood at the curb in silence, their hands interlocked and the sweet syrup dripping down their fingers.

"That was. . . an eye opener," Betty started.

Jughead turned around, taking Betty with him and trekking up the hill again.

  "I think she was jealous," Jughead said softly.

  Betty scoffed, "Okay Mr.Hotstuff calm down she was just being nice."

  "Oh are you jealous too now?"

  "Of what?"

   "Of that lady being so nice to me."

  "Shut up and eat your snow cone you nut."

  Jughead smirked and sat down on the blanket again, and Betty followed suit. She leaned her head on his side and he wrapped his arms around her shoulder.

  They ate their delicously sweet ice in silence, watching the sky fade to purple as the sun set.

  Betty finished quickly and sipped at the leftover syrup. She glanced at her hand to her finger, where her silver ring wrapped around her finger.

  "Hey Juggie . . ."
  He looked up from his snow cone, "Yes?"

  ". . . I meant what I said. I'm really lucky . . . I do think we were made for each other."

  The tall male smiled and pulled her closer, "I know Betts, I feel the same."

  Betty smiled up at him through her long pale lashes, "That makes me happy."

  She leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. Jughead  could taste the sweet syrup on her lips and tilted his head for more leverage. Betty backed away from the kiss as Jughead continue to peck kisses all over her cheeks and forehead.

  She noticed that the sun had finally set, and darkness began to envelop them, the streetlights turning on one by one. She nuzzled into his neck and kissed it, not wanting to leave. Jughead checked the time,8:32.
  He sighed and stood up, "I think we'd better get home,its bedtime."

  "When isn't it your bedtime? Its not even late! Just a few more minutes please!"

  "I don't know about you but I'd rather spend the night in your air conditioned house, and your lovely fridge."

  She rolled her eyes but stood up and folded the blanket. Jughead had the last sip of his snow cone before crumbling the cup in his fist.

  Betty finished and ran up to him, locking her arm with his and humming happily. She leaned up again and kissed the only place she could reach, which was his jawline. He smirked and snaked his arm over her shoulder and left a small kiss on her nose. She giggled and continued walking, moving her arm to his back and playfully slapped his ass.

  He pinched her shoulder slightly, "You're annoying, you know  that?"

  She smiled brightly, "I guess you like annoying girls then."

  "You're right. You're the prettiest annoying girl I've ever met."
  "And you're the most handsome loser I've ever met."

  "Don't push your luck I can step on you, shorty."

  "Yeah, yeah we get it you're tall."

  "Shut up so we can go home."

  Betty laughed and rubbed her hand on his back, "I'm tired. Would you mind giving me a ride?"

  "Of course Ms. Daisy," he leaned down so she could climb on his back for a piggy back ride. He gripped her thighs and began walking.

  "Don't drop me."

  "Don't worry, I would never drop you, now lets go home."

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