Tricky Tea

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  It wasn't unusual for Jughead to go on trips with his family. Whenever a three day vacation came about during the school year, you can bet that the Jones family had packed up the car and driven out of town. Betty usually occupied herself with her friends, who were more than glad that she spent time with them. This day in particular was quite enjoyable. Betty sat outside of Veronica's grand mansion. Her brunette friend lied on a towel by the pool tanning, Midge shared snacks under an umbrella sitting in lawn chairs alongside Reggie and Moose, who was in the process of punching Reggie for sitting by Midge. Chuck swam laps around the pool and Nancy timed his runs.

  Betty went inside to use the restroom and when she emerged Archie stood at the door with two glasses in hand. 

  Betty smiled, "Hi Archie. What are you doing in here?"

  "I came in to get Veronica more tanning lotion, but I saw you and thought you needed a drink."

  The blonde smiled when Archie held out the cup to her, and she graciously took the tea.

  "Can you help me find the tanning lotion?"

  Betty's lips curled into a smile around the glass and nodded, "I think its in Veronica's restroom."

  They walked upstairs without a word, only the sound of ice clinking against their glasses could be heard. The long hallway echoed their footsteps off the walls. They passed the master bedroom, then an office, then, the last door to the right was Veronica's room. The creamy white door closed only slightly, spotting a couple of her cats and dogs sleeping on the silk sheets of her bed. 

  Betty opened the door, and walked in. She led Archie into the restroom where she left her drink on the counter and opened the closet door. 

  "It should be in here somewhere. . . Archie would you mind checking the vanity?"

  "Sure Betts."

  Those were the last words spoken before the clattering of perfumes and creams could be heard.



  "Jughead is out of town right?"

  She quirked an eyebrow but continued to search through the shelves, "Yes, I thought he told you."

  Archie chuckled, "I know."

  Betty heard the door lock.

  Veronica sighed contently as she flipped onto her side. She lowered her cat eye sunglasses to watch Reggie and Moose argue over Midge again. Nancy and Chuck had found themselves the Lodge's pool toys, and tossed around a beach ball. Veronica pushed her glasses back on and sat up. Archie was taking a long time finding her lotion. He even forgot to bring her drink. She sighed and stood up, stretching her arms behind her. Reggie whistled wildly.

  Veronica pulled on the sides of her bikini and waved at him, "Enjoying the view?"

  "Oh yes. Especially when the view is a pretty lady like yourself." 

  She winked and pouted her lips, "Reggiekins Archie is taking too long. . . Would you be a dear and get me my tanning lotion?"

  "Of course my black haired beauty," He quickly dried himself off and began walking into the mansion. He froze for a minute. Veronica's house was huge. 

  "Uhm Ronnie, which room is it in?"

  Veronica sat up and pointed upstairs, "My room, the bathroom."

  Reggie nodded and walked back in proudly, flexing his back muscles in order to show off. 

  He walked down the familiar hall and made his way into Veronica's room. The dark haired male tried to open the door, but to no avail, it was locked. He tried again, pushing on the door and knocking. Eventually he gave up and began his journey back to the pool.

  Betty turned quickly to find Archie with his hand on the doorknob, his fingers pinched around the lock tab.

  "Archie, what's wrong?"

  He turned back to her, his gaze somewhere between pitiful and frustrated, "You don't really still like Jughead do you?"

  Betty gasped, "Of course I like Jughead! He's my boyfriend! I would never give him up for the world!"

  "Oh Bets, poor poor Bets. . ."

  "What? How am I poor?"

  "Don't you know where Jughead is?"

  "He's on a trip with his family," Betty retorted, much more aggravated.

  "That's right, he's not here."

  Archie pushed closer, Betty's back hitting the wall of the large bathroom.

  "Now that we're all alone, maybe we can talk a little more honestly about things . . . You still like me don't you?"

  Betty's face curled into itself, "What are you talking about?"

  "Betty I still think of you as my girl, there's no shame in wanting to come back to me," he leaned in closer, his breath fanning on her cheeks.

  "Archie Andrews, I swear if you touch I will-"

  There was a knock on the door. Archie gripped Betty's arm and muffled her mouth. Betty's muffled calls were in vain, for the banging on the door cancelled out all noises. The sound stopped, and muffled footsteps could be heard walking away from the door. 

  Archie shushed her quietly, removing his hand from her to her cheek.
  "My sweet little Betty. . . How many times must you run away from me?"
  The blonde shoved him away forcefully and ran to the door. From the floor Archie grabbed her ankle, and Betty toppled down, her fingers grazing the doorknob. He climbed on top of her and held her cheeks in his hands.
  "C'mon Betty, you can do so much better."
  Betty proceeded to kick him and scratch at his face. Her nails dragged alond Archie's left eye. He hissed in pain and Betty used the opportunity to stand up and run. Archie held his eye in his palm and watched as Betty ran out of his view. He turned his head to see a large can of hairspray, towering over the other vanity objects. He shoved everything out of the way and grabbed it quickly and weighed in his hand.
  Here goes nothing.
  He scampered out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He saw a flash of blonde at the door as Betty escaped. Archie dashed forward and as Betty tried to trek through the hall, the redhead threw the heavy metal can at her.
  A thud rang in ears.
  Betty was on the floor.
  Betty wasn't moving.
  Archie approached her and pulled her into the Veronica's bedroom. He locked the door and looked down at Betty's limp body on the floor, a purple bruise blooming on the side of her head.
  He could probably keep her in the room for a few hours with no one noticing. Maybe she would lose her memory and fall in love with Archie again. He could only hope. He noticed the plastic lid from the hairspray on the floor, he picked it up and threw it on the bed.
  Then he placed Betty on the bed and pulled over the sheets. If anyone asked she was sleeping. He walked out silently and gently pushed the door closed. He didn't want to make too much noise, she was asleep afterall.

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