Part 2: 25

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Peter Pan POV


My eyes slowly open, and I smile as I remember the night, I run my finger across my lips and chuckle. I turn to expect to see Maddie, but she isn't there. I frown and get up slightly to lean on my elbow, but I groan a bit. I then see a note on my table next to my bed. I open it and read it.

Good morning, my handsome Peter Pan. Meet me at the beach xxxxxx

I smile and get up and grab my clothes, putting them on slowly, so I don't give myself too much pain. I don't want to tell her I am in pain, I couldn't tell her that. I like these days to be unique, and not be me lying in bed in pain, while she sits and stares down at me about to cry. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I look like I'm dying, probably because I am. I sigh one more time before heading to the beach. When I pass the lost boys, some smiled and said hellos, while others give me a half-smile. They can see I am getting worse.

When I reach the beach, I see Maddie standing there by a table and chairs, with a big grin on her face. "Good morning", I say, and she giggles.

"Good morning", she says while still having her big grin on her lips. "Care to explain, love?" I ask her while walking over to her, I put my arm around her waist and look down. I see bowls of fruit, and.. bacon and eggs?

"You made bacon?" I ask her and she laughs.

"Magic", she says putting her fingers up, waving them in my face. I laugh and she helps me sit down, usually it should be the other way around. She sits down and pours me orange juice in a cup.

"So.. You said you would love to go back to my world, so... today I am going to make it a day in my world, well as much as I can. We will do things people may do, and eat the things they do", she says and my lips curve into a smile. I love her so much.

"You're going to do that for me?" I ask her and she chuckles while nodding.

"Yes, Peter. I will do anything for you", she says while taking a bite of her bacon.

"I can't wait"


When we finished breakfast, Maddie told me she wasn't going to tell me anything on what we are doing today, of course she would. Her hand was in mine, and we were walking along the beach. Honestly this was good enough for me, I am alone with her walking across the beach. Is this part of it? My eye sight gets a bit blury, it effected my walking a bit and Maddie turns to me.

"Peter?" she asks me, I sit down quickly on the sand and she falls to her knees infront of me, "Peter are you okay?" she asks me and I nod and clear my throat.

"I'm fine, come on", I tell her and she frowns at me.

"Peter we don't have to-"

"No Maddie, I am not ruining this. We are going to have fun" I tell her and she laughs at me.

"Jeez, you make it seem like if we don't have fun it's a crime", she say and I smile. She helps me up and we walk a few more meters, with her holding my hand tightly.

"Here we are", she says, I look up and see a row boat.

"We are going on a boat?" I ask and chuckle, and she shakes her head while chuckling.

"We're fishing", she says and smiles and my mouth widen a bit.

"I don't fish", I say and she shrugs.

"Neither do I, but it can't be that hard", she says and walks to the boat.

"Oh no", I say, and walk over to the boat and hope in, she does to and the we start moving without doing anything and I raise an eyebrow at her.

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