Chapter 36

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Maddie POV
"Careful lads", Killian says as we sneak are way to the ship.

"Wait what about Felix we need to save him", I whisper and Killian stops and turns to me.

"Maddie we will save him by getting that book", he says and I sigh and nod.

"But how will we get out of neverland Peter put a spell around neverland", I say Killian stops again and turns around.

"We will figure it out once we get on the ship now stop talking and follow", he says and I huff and continue walking.
Talk about annoying big brother.

I looked next to me to see Dylan, I smile as his cuts have healed from pan and that he isn't wearing lost boy clothes he's wearing pirate clothes, u guess Killian has accepted him as part of the family.

"Stop staring at me", Dylan whispers and I giggle.

"Sorry it's just strange seeing you wearing those clothes and.. is that a sword!" I whisper/shout.

"Yes Maddie it is a sword and I'm not afraid to use it to get you to shut up, if Pan catches us who knows what he will do", he says and I nod and keep my mouth shut until we reach the ship.

Once the crew see me they smile, "Maddie why are you wearing a gown", Jonson asked, and the crew laugh.

"Well I am a lady and lady's wear gowns", I say snobby and they laugh.

"Come on Maddie we need to change if we are going to your world remember it's probably been a year or more since you've so called 'disappeared' so they may be still looking for you or not but we need to be ready the fairy have us clothes I think you will like her taste it's very um... Bad ass?" He chuckles and I laughed and we went bellow deck.

I go in my room to see black skiny leather like jeans a black singlet and black leather jacket black gloves that have the fingers cut off a black belt with things in it looks like, a knife, and A GUN! Okay I guess it's just in case and I also have my now and arrow but Killian said that the humans in my world can't see it. anyway there are also black leather army boots and I smile and put it on.
(Picture will be on side 😜)

When I'm finished putting it on I take my hair out and it it's all curly and wavey I throw my bow and arrow bag around my shoulder and walk out and I see Killian.

"HOLY SHIT", I yell.

He wears black jeans black army boots and a black coat like his coat before but it's cotton and u can see a black shirt underneath, his hair is the same but doesn't have black eyeliner or whatever.

"What do I look bad", he says and u shake my head.

"I'm gonna have to keep the girls off my brother", I say and he chuckles.

"So we have some help from fairy's they have somehow gotten there magic in your world they will but an invisible shield on the ship and I don't know how but the fairy can get are ship to your world in a few minutes so we may have to hold on-" soon as he says it the ship starts going fast and then we hear..

I look at Killian and he sighs, "Pan"..

Peter Pan POV

I look at the empty cage and my breathing quicken I fly up and see the ship leaving and I knew Hook had her.

"MADDIE!" I yell I fly down and got to camp.

"Someone bloody tell me what's going on", I say and Will steps forward.

"Pan, you put a force field around neverland and you changed you forgot about you admiring your feelings for Maddie", he said and I laugh.

"Wow what none sense Glen your in charge Tink will come Check up on you and do not let Felix out of the cage once a day go in and give him some water and a bit of food and well Do whatever but keep him alive", I say.

"But where are you going", Will asked.

"I'm gonna go win this game once and for all"...

Maddie POV
we arrive in my world and in a place where the fairy said we must find a woman who knows where Baelfire is and he will lead us to the book hopefully.

"Alright Maddie are you ready", Killian asked and I nod.

"Remember Killian you have to call me Raven", I say and he rolls his eyes we go up on deck and see the crew.

"Alright lads I don't know how long we will be here for but I want you to take the ship to the enchanted forest I will get the fairy to tell you when to come back.. Good luck lads", Killian says.

We wave goodbye and we walk off the ship and start walking towards the city.

"Are we in.. New York?" I ask and he nods and I grin, I always wanted to go here but I guess we are only here for the book.

"Now 'Raven' remember we need to keep our eye out we don't know of Pan will come for us it will take him a while to figure out where we are he doesn't have magic here", he says and I nod.

"So where is this woman what's her name", I ask.

"Her name is Rose Linroy, apparently she used to my friends with baelfire", he says and I nod again.

"Hey Maddie I mean Raven it will be alright okay i will keep you safe I am a pirate for crist sake I pirate can handle the city" he scoffs and I chuckle.

"You will be surprised Killian" I say.

We reach the city and Killians eyes widen as he sees lots of people and traffic.

"Come in Killian it's just the city you can handle it your a pirate" I say making my hand into a hook and he glares at me.

"Wait Killian.. you did being money right", I say and he looks at me.

"What kind of money" he says and my eyes widen.

"Great in New York no money and we have no idea where this Rose is" I say.

"It will be okay we can figure it out-"

"Oh my god" I whisper and he looks at me weird.

"What", he says and my eyes widen as I point to the direction where my eyes have widen and my breathing has stopped...
Ooooo what is it?
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Sorry it's kind if boring..
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