chapter 5

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Maddie POV

It's been about two or three hours since Peter and the lost boys have gone to sleep, and I can't help but think about how they don't call him Peter or Peter Pan only Pan. Anyway the past couple of hours I've been trying to untie myself, and I have almost succeeded. Felix didn't tie it that tight, and with that I was free I rubbed my hands and stood up I couldn't see much, but the light from the moon and stars gave me enough light to be able to walk around.

What was I going to do now I can't exactly leave this place not without Pan's permission?

But I did read about a beautiful waterfall with a lake; I didn't waste anymore more time I ran and ran and ran until my legs couldn't handle it anymore and I collapsed on the ground, but the bed was kind of wet which means...


I heard the waterfall, and I looked up and saw it, I walked over and placed my feet in the water. I was still wearing the clothes I wore to school: my jeans and jacked I took my jacket off and ripped my jeans into shorts so I was wearing a blue tank top and black shorts and I had a black coat, but I don't think I will need it.

I then saw something move in the water I quickly pulled my feet out then I saw a girl poke her head out she was pretty she had long black hair and green eyes and her skin was flawless with some shinning sparks on her cheek and some scales.

She was a mermaid.

"You're a mermaid?", I said more like a question than a statement.

"Yes I am, and I've heard about you another mermaid saw you are coming into Neverland, but if you ran away from Pan I'm guessing you want to leave", she says swimming closer to me, I nod at her.

"I can help, us mermaids can come in and out of Neverland", she says smiling.

"You would do that for me", she smiles and nods.

"Just take my hand", she says I take it. She slowly pulls me in smiling then, I feel strong arms yank me out of the water, and I see the mermaid hiss, her teeth were sharp, and her eyes were a dark purple. Her nails were claws she tried clawing me, but then I see the person who grabbed me kick the mermaid in the face and she made a horrible sound and swam away.

I look up and saw Peter, and he did not look happy.

"Are you fucking crazy Maddie!" he yelled, oh wow he swears.

"Mermaids are evil! She was going to drown you!" he yells.

"And you care why!" I yell back, and he doesn't say a thing he just looks pissed.

"You ran away from me which gives me another reason why I can't trust you, you have been a naughty girl", he says then he throws me over his shoulder again, but this time I don't dare to squirm.

"Good girl", he says and continues to walk.

After a while we arrived at camp and Peter dropped me on the ground and the lost boys were up and eating, and Felix's eyes widened, and Peter looked at him angrily.

"YOU IDIOT YOU DIDN'T TIE THE ROPS TIGHT ENOUGH!" Peter yelled at Felix and slapped him, Felix fell to the ground from the force and looked at me, and I mouthed 'sorry', and he smiled.

"I am sorry Pan it won't happen again", Felix says and stands up.

"Damn right it won't", he says, and the Peter walks up to me.

"And you, if you try anything like that again you will be sorry", Peter says.

"Felix don't keep your eyes off her if I come back and she is gone it will be on you", he says then walks off.

Felix comes up to me and grabs my arm then pushes me over to the tree, but this time, behind it then he let's go.

"I'm sorry about Pan, and I'm sorry I was rough with you yesterday", Felix says, and I smile.

"It's alright, but I'm the one who should be saying sorry if I didn't leave, Peter wouldn't of-", he cuts me off.

"Peter?", he asked confused, "Nobody had called him that since- well a very long time", he says, "But don't worry about me I've been there when Pan was at his worst how else do you think I got this scar", he says pointing at his face.

My mouth widens, and I couldn't help but place my hand on his cheek, he looks down at me and shakes his head.

"I'm fine it was a long time ago, he is like my brother to me", he says.

"And a brother would do this", I ask, and he grabs my hands and moves it away from his face.

"I've been with Pan for a very long time; I am loyal to him", he says. "Now let me get you some food and water you must be starving", he says, and I smile and nod.

Peter Pan POV

After I left Felix and Maddie I went to the beach and sat down, she gets me so fired up, and everything is a mess, but I need to take this slow take one problem at a time.

Maddie was so beautiful, I can't get myself to hurt her there is something about her I know what it might be, but I am refusing to believe it. I stayed like this for a while and just thought about things then I headed back, and I saw Felix talking with Maddie, and she was smiling.

I walk out from the trees, and everyone's eyes landed on me.

"Target practice anyone", I say, and all the lost boys cheered. I looked at Maddie, and she looked confused, and I smirked.


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