Chapter 15: Twists

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"Are you okay, Nathan?"

I heard one of the two girls who was worried about me. Since my eyes were kind of blurry, it took me some seconds to recognize them. It was Chrystal and Gabriella.

"What happened? And... why am I here?"

I asked the girls but no one responded. It took some seconds for them to respond. They then sat at the chairs beside me. Chrystal then held my wrist and responded.

"First, Gabs and I were going to visit you but, you didn't replied or anything. So, we were worried and kinda opened the door."

"So? I-I-I mean to what happened to me! Like, I dunno, like why did I got here?"

"Second, we already found you lying on the floor, like, we thought that you were taking drugs or something. Then we rushed you to the clinic. And, don't ask me on how you got here..."

After we talked about to what happened to me, it led an awkward silence between the three of us. I then tried to stand and walk around but I felt too weak to do anything. But luckily, I am strong enough to move my arms.

After a minute, a nurse came in and ask the two girls to give us some privacy. They nodded and followed her orders. After the two left, we began to talk to each other.

"Should I tell you the good or bad news?"

"Could you tell me that bad news?"

"The bad news is that you can't walk or jump or run. We found out your left foot's bone is damaged. And you only have 3 days until your operation. But the good thing is, that, make the most of it! Enjoy while you still can!"

After she ended her sentence, my jaw dropped. I feel so worried about myself. I didn't know that my left foot was damaged. She then passed me a paper.

"Is your name, Steven?"

I shook my head, and I was relived that wasn't me. I felt horror and fear that I thought that I had those. The nurse then apologized and made me a bit happy. She then left and walked to another room.

"So, what did the nurse said?"

Joyce asked me, wanting to know on what we talked about. Eager, she accidentally held my hand. Making me blush in the process. Thus, making her blush lightly too.

"Uh-uh, nothing! It was just a misunderstanding!"

I replied back to Joyce. It was kinda awkward that she held my hand for a period of time. We were then interrupted by Gabs, who was stopping her giggles by her hand.

"When's the honey moon?"

She teased us. Joyce then let go of my hand and acted normal, like nothing happened, still blushing. I then remember that the nurse lend me a piece of paper.

I grabbed it and it said that: I could go live my life in some hours or so. I smiled and looked at the girls. They then felt happy for me. I then looked at the clock and saw it was 10:45 am.

"It's going to be a long day."


"Huh? Where... Am I?"

I spoke as I heard nothing in response. All I heard was nothing but the noise of the television. After I looked around the room, it was quite similar to... Mark's room!

Why did I get here? How and when? All I remember was doing some experimenting. How can I be here? What happened?

After staying quiet for some time, I saw a shadow. It was headed to me. I then remember that it can be Mark or Josh. I acted normal like nothing has happened.

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