9: When he's sick

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Theodore's lack of sleep and endless cold nights eventually caught up to him and he found himself stuck in bed for the remainder of the weekend. His mother, Helen, insisted on staying home to take care of him and despite his protests that he'd be fine and would probably sleep for most—if not all—of her shift, she still called in sick.

So his Sunday was spent playing computer games and eating chicken noodle soup. He tried doing it simultaneously, but his mother was convinced that he'd sneeze so hard (or something) and accidentally spill his lunch onto his laptop. She wasn't going to fork out another grand or so to replace it.

At around four, she popped her head into Theodore's room. "I'm going to run to the store, do you want me to get you anything?"

In other words, Helen was asking if she should restock his medical cabinet, and she wasn't talking about cold and flu tablets. Having a registered nurse as a mother meant Theodore was graced with a detailed power point presentation of human reproduction and ever since that delightful discussion and demonstration on putting condoms on various vegetables, his mother regularly snuck a box in his drawers.

It was embarrassing—and insanely funny to Winston—that his mother kept track of his sexual adventures. But he supposed she had seen more than enough STIs and unplanned pregnancies to make sure her son was fully informed of safe sex.

"Just a bottle of whiskey to help my sinuses."

Helen crossed the room and bopped his head with her miniature notepad. "You're so funny."

Theodore closed his eyes and grinned. "Grandpa always said I'd make one hell of a comedian."

When his mother didn't say anything he hesitantly opened one eye. She was looking down at him, thinking. Then she pulled the straps of her handbag higher onto her shoulder and said, "I'll get a pack, just in case."

"Mum." Theodore sunk into his bed and pulled the covers over his eyes.

She simply kissed his forehead through his blanket and called, "I love you! I'll be back soon. Try not to burn the house down."

"Hey, that was only once and I was thirteen at the time!" he called back.

"I love you, Theodore," she repeated.

"I love you too, Mum."

He waited a few minutes, listening for the roar of the Corolla before rolling onto his side and closing his eyes. Winston had once heard their little exchange when he was over for dinner. To Theodore, belting out that he loved his mother was such a normal routine for him that he didn't hesitate to question if it was weird when he had company over.

Winston had a good laugh about it, but it didn't bother him much. Theodore adored his relationship with his mother and although sometimes she was embarrassing, he knew it was only because she loved him. Without saying it out loud, she promised to love him twice as hard when his father left.

And without confirming it in words, he had promised the same.

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