49: How he socialises

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Theodore's house was having a party. In the common area there was a keg of watered down beer and a collection of salty snacks on the table. Theodore was sitting on the couch, squished between two other people, a handful of chips in his palm.

"So what are you studying?" the girl on Theodore's right asked.

"Teaching." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his shoulders squashed. He felt like a piece of fruit in a vacuum sealed bag, but did his best to turn his body in her general direction

She smiled and nodded, but the music was loud. Theodore wasn't sure if she heard him. Hell, he couldn't even hear himself. The person on his left stood and there was a brief moment where Theodore felt free. But a second later, Julien dropped down beside him.

"I brought my hamster," he said. He pulled her out of his pocket. Dotti was wearing a small princess cone hat. "Dressed for the occasion."

Theodore needed a second to process. For some reason, it wasn't the hat he wanted to question. He gestured at the pocket. "Can she breathe in there?"

"She pops out when she gets overwhelmed."

"Wait, was that a yes?"

"Oh my god, are you showing people your hamster again?" Although the music was loud, a girl's voice was clear as day. Theodore looked up and to his surprise, he saw the girl from the café. Maggie. She was in a band tee and a pair of jeans and she looked even more stunning than she did that first day they met on campus.

"Theodore," she said with a grin when she realised who Julien was sitting with. The yellow lights from the living room reflected against the lenses of her glasses. It made it look like she had stars in her eyes.

"Maggie," Julien said. "Dotti is a great conversation starter. I've gotten three girls' numbers."

"Yes, but are they actual numbers or just flops?" Maggie sat down on the arm of the couch and tucked the toes of her converse under Julien's legs.

"Dotti is a chick magnet, I'll have you know. If she was this fashionable when we met, we'd be dating right now."

"Yes, if good old Dotti was wearing some Doc Marten's, I would have fallen madly in love with you," Maggie deadpanned.

"Good idea, I should google that later." Julien turned to Theodore. "The internet is a wild place, man. You can get anything online. There's a surprising amount of hamster apparel."

Theodore nodded, then looked up to see Maggie giving him a soft smile. Her hair was still in the braided crown.

"It's good to see you again, Theodore," she said.

"I'm sorry I didn't text you," he answered without thinking. It just came out and it made his cheeks flame.

In all honesty, he had forgotten to text Maggie. All the dates he had gone on were with girls he was almost certain he wouldn't see again when university started. He wasn't particularly interested in girls he would potentially have awkward encounters with on campus once his course started. And god forbid they were in the same classes.

"Hey, no hard feelings," she said easily. "How's uni life been treating you?"

"I'm not much of a drinker,'' he admitted. "But for some reason, it feels like I've been drunk ever since I got here."

"That's how it goes," Maggie said. "That's how it went for Julien."

Julien nodded sombrely and lifted up a cup. "I stick to fizzy drink now."

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