54: When she bakes

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 "A little something from the owner," Maggie said, dropping a small plate of three macarons and a cup of coffee.

"All this studying is hardening my brain so please send my thanks to the owner," Theodore said lowering his textbook.

"Message received." Maggie gave him a grin and sat down across from him. "Ready to drop out?"

"Getting there."

"How about something fun tonight? Want to taste test and review some new macaron flavours with me? I have noticed that sales have dropped with the macarons, even when we do our five for five dollars on Fridays. People just don't seem excited about them anymore and they used to be such a popular menu item. I think people are ready for something fresh."

"Everything on your menu is incredible so I'm not sure what people are getting bored of. I will happily taste test some creations though. However, please tell me these three will be staying on the menu." Theodore gestured to the plate Maggie gave him.

The three macarons were soft pastels, each decorated with toppings. Pistachio had crushed nuts, vanilla bean had a drizzle of caramel sauce and chocolate fudge had some white chocolate shavings on top.

"Of course," she said. "I know these are your favourites."

Theodore felt his heart fly. "Thank you."

"We close up in about an hour. You can stick around, otherwise you can meet me back here after we've locked up."

"I think I'll stick around," he said. "I have to finish reading this chapter anyway. I think I'll be more productive here."

He was not productive. Well, in terms of studying for his degree. He was, however, successful in watching Maggie. Theodore would get distracted by her voice from across the room as she served one of the elderly professors who bought a melting moment and a coffee every day. Or he would overhear her asking one of the mature students with a toddler if their child would like an apple cinnamon muffin. Or when Maggie would start singing along to the music they had playing in the café.

She was stunning. Theodore felt stunned.

When they finally locked the doors, the remaining staff cleaned and balanced the registers. Theodore helped out where he could, then said goodbye as the remaining workers left.

Maggie and Theodore were now alone and ready to start baking. Theodore never realised how much time went into making macarons. They were such tiny desserts but they needed to sift and fold and rest and pipe and it took a surprisingly long time. He helped Maggie with the base recipe, but left her alone to do the more creative stuff with the flavours.

While the cookies were cooling, they ate some left over chicken pesto pasta and talked. And when they were finished, it was finally ready to pipe the filling into the macarons and taste test them. Maggie experimented and created thirteen new flavours.

"Tell me what this tastes like to you," she said, picking up a macaron.

The cookies were white, decorated with edible gold leaf and filled with a pale yellow crème. She lifted it to Theodore's lips and he took a generous bite. There was an explosion of salty, buttery flavour. The cookie crumbled at the top but gave way to a chewier bottom and a smooth filling that melted almost instantly on his tongue. It reminded him exactly of the cinema.

"Popcorn," he said.

She smiled. "Success! Is it a yes or a no?"

"Definite yes. It wasn't what I was expecting from a macaron."

Maggie glowed, her smile reaching her eyes, her cheeks that sweet pink. She seemed over the moon and Theodore was happy to see her so delighted. Together they taste tested the rest of the macarons. Maggie created some floral flavours. Theodore was hesitant to try these. To him, flowers seemed to be better in bouquets than baked goods, but he wanted to be open to Maggie's experimentation.

He was pleasantly surprised with the two kinds Maggie made. One was lavender and white chocolate. It was fragrant and sweet with an interesting bite to it. The other was milk tea infused with rose flavoured jelly. It had a much softer flavour and he decided he wouldn't have any trouble downing a dozen with a hot drink.

Maggie also created a bunch of macarons inspired by drinks. One was tea and biscuits which reminded Theodore of his childhood. Another was chai latte; a creamy and rich flavour that was easy to devour. The last was strawberries and champagne. The sweet and alcoholic kick was sure to attract both students and teachers.

Theodore particularly enjoyed the lamington favoured macaron. There was something about chocolate and coconut that made him feel nostalgic. The fairy bread one was another favourite. The cookie tasted like marshmallow and the sprinkles gave it the feel of one of his favourite childhood party foods.

Maggie also made a delectable honey and crumpet flavoured macaron, another with surprise jelly bean pieces in the filling, a sweet and spicy gingerbread flavour and a refreshing watermelon and lychee.

However, Maggie had one last surprise for Theodore.

"Do you have room for one more?"

"I will make room," he answered, patting his belly.

She picked up the last macaron. The cookie was purple and Maggie had drawn on metallic veins on the top so it looked like precious stone in a geode and the filling was white. Maggie lifted it so Theodore could have a bite. As soon as the flavour hit, his chewing slowed.

It was his favourite breakfast. A blueberry bagel with sweetened cream cheese. When Theodore was little, it was something he ate with his mother on the weekends. It wasn't traditional pancakes or waffles or sugary cereal. It was a bagel. And since he had been away from home, Theodore had unconsciously found himself buying blueberry bagels and cream cheese for breakfast.

"Ever since we started dating, it's been your preferred breakfast," Maggie said, chewing her lip. She watched Theodore, waiting for any indication of his response.

"It's my favourite," he said softly.

But she already knew that. Maggie smiled, wiped away some crumbs that had collected in the corner of Theodore's mouth and leaned in to give him a gentle kiss. Theodore felt so warm and happy, lighter than air. The more time they spent together, the more Theodore's feelings grew.

Theodore helped Maggie clean up and by the time they went their separate ways, it was extremely late. He couldn't stop thinking about the blueberry bagel macaron, so the next chance he had, he went to Dianne's to see if they had been added to the desserts display case.

Sure enough, there it was. And in front of it was a place card with its official name:

Theodore's breakfast.

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