52: When butterflies erupt

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Being romantic was never Theodore's strong suit. But he had been hanging out with Maggie for almost three weeks now with some casual flirting. They hadn't kissed, but Theodore wasn't worried about it. He just felt so happy and content and excited for what was to come. It was a feeling so familiar, yet completely different.

Maggie had taken the reins for selecting all the activities to do and places to hang out, but this time, Theodore wanted to take control. Although he had a general idea of where some things were in the city, he didn't exactly know of any interesting places to hang out. However, after some careful research, he discovered the perfect place to take Maggie.

"Please tell me where we are going," she said after they had been driving for half an hour.

"It's a surprise."

"The suspense is killing me."

"Well, pull it together because you can't die until we get there."

"Is that a clue? Are we going to a graveyard?"

"What the hell would we do at a graveyard?"


"No. No more guesses."

"Is it because I was close?"

"You couldn't have been further away, but we are almost there."

"Almost there? I don't even recognise where we are. Will there be food?"

"After this we will get food."

"Is no food a requirement for the activity we are going to do? Are we going swimming?"

"What did I say about guesses?" Theodore laughed as he pulled up to a parking spot. He turned the ignition off and turned to face her. "I need you to close your eyes."

She smiled and closed her eyes. Theodore exited the car and helped Maggie out after. He guided her the short distance to onto the path so that their journey would be much smoother.

"Are you peeking?" he asked.

"No," Maggie said. Her answer was quick.

"Liar," he said and placed his hands over hers. It earned him a laugh.

Maggie allowed him to take control and gently lead her towards the building. It took some struggling, especially since they had to push through two safety doors, but in the end, they finally managed to get inside.

"Oh," Maggie said, "it's warm in here!"

Theodore slowed her to a stop and gradually moved his hands from hers. His fingers brushed against Maggie's, touch soft. Her index finger lightly traced his as he removed his hands, like she didn't want him to let go. It was the sweetest, most innocent of touches but it sent an eruption of warmth through him.


"Always ready," she said. Then she opened her eyes.

Theodore patiently, but nervously watched as Maggie looked around. He had spent the whole week looking for the perfect place to take her. He looked at restaurants, museums, theme parks. He considered the movies, parks and galleries. Nothing seemed special. He wanted something special.

It wasn't until he was laying in bed late one night after he had finished watching Julien stream a platformer game and quit early because he couldn't get past a certain level that Theodore got an advertisement on social media. It was a recommendation to visit the butterfly conservatory.

The butterfly greenhouse looked exactly like it did in the photographs. It was lush with flora and fauna. The flowers were vibrant against the greenery and flourishing in the warm temperature. Sunlight filtered through the glass roof, and made the butterflies look brighter. Each one had different sized and coloured wings with unforgettable patterns.

It was breathtaking.

Theodore turned back to Maggie and watched as she looked up at the ceiling, lips parted. Her hair was in her signature braided crown and she wore a green sundress. Green was suddenly his favourite colour.

She was breathtaking.

"Theodore," Maggie said.

She didn't say anything more. Instead, she simply took his hand. Together, they walked further into the enclosure, watching with wide eyes as the butterflies fluttered past. Their wings seemed so delicate, but they had the strength to propel such small creatures into mesmerising airborne dances.

When they reached the centre of the building, the couple paused to take in their surroundings. It was so colourful and serene and beautiful that it felt like no amount of time was enough to truly absorb the exquisiteness of it all.

When Theodore's gaze finally looked down, he caught sight of Maggie. She always had something to say, but in this moment, she seemed speechless. Her eyes were glued to her bare shoulder, where a black butterfly perched peacefully on the thin strap of her dress. Its wings expanded and closed back together ever so elegantly. Maggie was so fixated on it that she didn't notice another had landed in her hair.

Theodore's heart tightened.

He reached out and gently took a stray piece of Maggie's hair to tuck back behind her ear, but that light touch was enough to startle both butterflies enough to fly away. Maggie tilted her face back up and her eyes focused on Theodore's. Her gaze was hypnotising.

She looked at him like he held all the secrets of the universe, all the answers to her burning questions. Theodore's fingers rested against her cheek, then slid down to the side of her neck. Maggie reached up and held his hand there. Then before he could take another breath, he leaned down and kissed her.

Kissing someone you have feelings for is a powerful sensation. It made Theodore excited for the possibilities it could lead to. It made him happy for sharing such an intimate moment with a recipient who mirrored his emotions. It made him glow.

"I'm not sure if it was obvious, but I really like you," he said when he pulled an inch away. The kiss was short, but passionate. It made him breathless.

The corners of Maggie's lips lifted. "You stole the words right out from my mouth."

Theodore couldn't contain his smile when he reached down and kissed her again. 

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