16: How Winston quit

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"Hope you're enjoying your last cigarette."

Winston exhaled a grey plume of smoke and smiled smugly. "You know what I'm going to enjoy even more? Saving a little extra cash when you start paying for my addiction."

"I'm not so sure about that."

Theodore's grin grew when he spotted Autumn coming out the back door of her house. Winston soon noticed the absolute delight in his friend's face and turned to see what all the commotion was about. His cigarette hung precariously between his lips.

"Smoking kills, you know," she said.

"Well, shit," was Winston's only response. It was spoken with the smoke still in his mouth.

Autumn plucked the cigarette from his grasp and held it away from her. "Not sure what you find so great about these things."

"Like you said, smoking kills," he answered, deadpan.

She dropped the cigarette onto the pavement and crushed the end with the heel of her boot. "Guess I'm a lifesaver then because I just scored you a few extra years."

Winston looked devastated as he looked at the crinkled cigarette on the sidewalk.

"Cough them up," Theodore said, holding his hand out.

He let out a dramatic sigh, but fiddled around in his pockets for the pack. He handed it over solemnly.

"And the other?"

"Alright, I admit I have an addiction, but do you really think it's that bad that I keep an extra packet stashed somewhere on my person?"

Theodore didn't think twice as he said, "Yes."

Winston swore and pulled out the second box. He slapped it into his friend's hand a little more aggressively than the first. He ran his fingers through his messy hair and tugged stressfully on the ends before dropping his hand back to his side. He was already getting anxious.

"Hey, brighten up," Autumn said, sliding her arm into his. "I know this great little place downtown. I'll shout you the biggest burger you've ever seen. You won't even remember what cigarettes are once you've had a bite."

Winston looked over her head at Theodore and mouthed, "Oh my god, I love her."

Theodore laughed and watched as two of the most important people of his life got along like they hadn't just met ten minutes ago. Autumn was so comfortable, so confident. She spoke loudly, animatedly and it was the greatest thing in the world.

"Dude, are you listening to this? I'm practically salivating. What are we doing still standing around? Let's go eat!" Winston was almost skipping towards the Corolla.

Autumn was grinning as she watched. "He's fun. I like him."

"I'm glad." Then he thought about what she said and added, "But you still like me more, right?"

She tipped her head back and laughed. In that single moment, the morning sky was empty because the sun had fallen and graced the world in one single girl's bright smile.

"Oh, Theodore," she said, reaching for his hand and squeezing his fingers. "No one could ever compare."

When she let go, they headed towards the car. Theodore ran inside to get the keys, then joined them back in the driveway. After he unlocked the doors, Winston hung around and gave him a curious smile.

"What smart ass thing do you have to say now?"

"Nothing, I just expect you to marry this girl if you expect me to quit smoking."

Theodore let out a dry laugh.

"Judging from the way you look at her, I wouldn't consider that a smart ass thing. I think I just gave you the best advice you'll ever hear." He gave him a knowing look before getting into the car.

Theodore was struck into silence as he slid into the car, but his heavy thoughts quickly drifted away. They were only going to get burgers, but having his beautiful neighbour in the passenger side seat and his best friend in the back singing old school songs because the radio was broken...it all seemed like an adventure.

* * *

Hi, everyone!

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have a second, I'd love to hear your feedback. Your comments mean the absolute world to me and I adore reading what you have to say. Quick shout out to everyone who left me a line on my story Level Up when I updated on Sunday! You helped me out so much. Horror is still a genre I'm unfamiliar with, so I'm so grateful that you guys took some time to help me out. I've learnt a lot from you all!

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