23: What friends do

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Winston went to Theodore's house one afternoon with potato scallops wrapped up in newspaper, so they took their after-school snack into the living room to eat. Theodore groaned in euphoria as he ate his first freshly-fried bite, his fingers coated in grease and chicken salt. He was so focused on his appetite that he barely registered that Winston had barely touched the food.

"Are you alright, mate?"

Winston nodded absentmindedly. 

"Aren't you going to eat?"

He looked at the scallops, his forehead lined, eyebrows drawn together. His jaw was tight as he shook his head. Theodore placed his food down and wiped his hands against his pants.

"What's going on?"

At first, he wasn't sure Winston was going to answer. He stared down at his hands, tracing the lines on his palms. He was so uncharacteristically quiet that Theodore was convinced he hadn't even heard him. 

But then Winston suddenly looked up and blurted, "I met someone."

"Yeah?" Theodore grinned.

"Yeah." He swallowed. "Ever since I quit smoking, I've been angsty as shit. But I've also been more observant. I met this really great guy. We're going out on Saturday."

"Dude, that's fucking fantastic." Theodore was ecstatic, his voice rose an octave in excitement, but he didn't care. His smile only grew.

Winston gaped at him. "Is that all you have to say?"

His smile faltered. "Oh, shit, um...yeah? I mean, if you want a gold star or something I can get you one, but I mean, I didn't get anything from you when I met Autumn so that's not really fair," he teased.

"Aren't you going to make a smart ass comment like my mother because I'm gay as fuck?"

"No?" Theodore blinked. "Am I meant to?"

"You're not surprised?"

"Winston, I never had any assumptions on who you're attracted to. It would have been wrong of me if I assumed you were into girls just because you're a guy. So what if you're into dudes? It isn't a big deal. It's normal."

Winston had tears in his eyes as he choked out, "So you're not going to stop hanging out with me?"

Theodore softened. "You're like my brother. Of course I'm not going to just abandon you because you like guys. What kind of shit face do you think I am?"

He laughed, furiously brushing away his tears. "For fuck's sake, Theodore."

"You deserve to be happy. Sometimes you forget that."

He smiled sadly. "I guess I do."

"How'd your old man take it?"

"Beat the shit out of me and left. Yelled at my mother for raising a faggot which only made her blame me even more. Haven't seen her in a few days."

Theodore felt a surge of protectiveness. "When he comes back into town, let me know."


"Oh, nothing. But you should probably stay the night here when he does," he answered, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. 

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