19: When they're together

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It was a Wednesday when Autumn made toasted cheese sandwiches and a tall thermos of sweet tea. Winter was only getting colder, so she also brought out a tartan blanket to put over their legs as they ate. As Theodore bit into the perfectly-crisped bread, a collection of crumbs dropped onto his lap. In a hasty attempt to dust them away, he managed to knock over his tea. The earth hungrily drank up his beverage before he could realise what was happening.

"Oh, shit," he said.

"Oh, Theodore," she said.

It was a Wednesday when Autumn reached over and brushed the crumbs from his face. Her thumb was warm as it skimmed over the corners of his lips. But her smile was even warmer. Theodore soaked up the feeling. Suddenly, the night air didn't have such a harsh bite against his skin. It was merely a calming breath of air that relieved the flickering fire burning in his cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" 

"I'm not blushing," he answered a little defensively. "My face just happens to change colours occasionally."

"And what does pink mean?"

"Pink means absolute serenity, calmness, composure. Pink means I've reached a complete state of peacefulness and fulfilment. Pink means I'm cool as a cucumber-"

"Can the cucumber be quiet for just a second?" Autumn slid her hand from his jaw and rendered him speechless. Her fingers tucked themselves underneath his chin. He dared to swallow.

It was a Wednesday when Theodore looked at his neighbour and thought she was beautiful. He tried counting the constellations of freckles on her nose, but he kept getting distracted. There was too little time and too much of Autumn to appreciate. Eventually, his eyes fell down and focused on her mouth. He watched as clouds of condensation escaped her parted lips. 

Then he realised his own breath wasn't materialising before him. 

It was a Wednesday when Theodore forgot how to breathe because of a girl.

It was a Wednesday when that same girl taught him how again.

It was a Wednesday when Autumn kissed Theodore.

* * * 


Because I'm on my mid-semester break, I will be attempting to do an upload a day for the next two weeks! However, once university resumes, I'm afraid I'll have to disappear for a bit and uploads will become quite sparse. I hope you understand. Sometimes writing has to take the backseat to make room for my education. Be sure to follow this account (colourlessness) and my main (lovelylivvi) to ensure you don't miss out on any of the updates!

Also, if you would like to send me any questions, I've reactivated my ask while I'm on holiday so you can send me them here: https://ask.fm/LovelyLivvi

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Thanks for reading!

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