Guys, I can not believe the amount of people who are reading this. Yes I should be doing my homework right now I got back from tech crew at 6;30 and had to eat dinner and suck but wow. The countries you guys want to hear about my life, this is crazy.
60% United States
20% Ireland
20% Australia
11.111% Malaysia
12.5% New Zealand
Now I am pretty sure that 60 plus 20 is 80, and that 80 plus 20 is 100, but according to Wattpad it isn't.
Stupid stuff Sound Effects has done
AléatoireAll from Sound Effects life, magic pineapple might have some funny stories to tell about me here. Hear about my amazing fail of a life and what I say that should get me locked up in a mental hospital. Also my obssion with Youtube, like Mianite and...