This is spanish 1

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Thank you (I'm gonna use his Spanish name) Ruben for pointing out the obvious yesterday in Spanish class.

Ruben is not his real name. I know his real name but I'm not gonna tell you just incase for some reason he is reading this. I doubt he is considering that he only knows me as turtle girl.

Anyway my Spanish teacher was gone and we had a substitute teacher. She was this small old lady and she was wearing a stripped shirt with a sail boat on it. She starts speaking Spanish.

Now I have more Spanish skills then the rest of the people in my class but I didn't understand a word out of her mouth. I've had Spanish for 5 years, very very basic Spanish. Now I didn't understand nor did anyone else in my class. So then Ruben stands up and goes

"Excuse me but this is Spanish one,"

The class died. He just stood up and yelled this is Spanish one. I felt bad for the lady who asked us to call her senora. AUTOCORRECT HER NAME IS NOT DEBORAH!

I hate autocorrect with a burning passion.

Anyway everyday in my Jag period (25 minutes where it is basically study hall) i study vocabulary with my Spanish teacher. We do it on whiteboards and I always draw stuff.

Have a nice day guys!

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