To live or to die

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I would just love to thank Johnny Robinson, Sir Robinson, and Peyton Hues. Thank all of you, so very much! I hope you all end up in Hell. I can't wait to see you there. I laughed, drunkenly, before taking another swig of Jack Daniel. Ye filthy cunts. Oi! I nearly forgot my apologies. I'm sorry Natalie. I wasn't ready to raise a kid, but I was forced to. I wasn't strong enough. Still not. I'm sorry Benson. Mrs. and Mr. Benson, you both were so kind to me, when I was over. Which was everyday for an hour, when everyone was there, doing homework. Marshall, Max, Michael, thank you for just being my friend. For sticking up for me. For being the big brothers I never had. Dez or sexy mofo king: Thanks for helping me with science. And for laughing at my stupid jokes. And for making me laugh. The Hopper: I swear you two were world changing rebels in a past life, while the rest of us of less important. But your histories weren't written down. Thank you for picking me up for school and work, then dropping me off. Reece thanks for answering my 4am phone call. I only called you, because I knew you were awake. And giving me a new out look on life- even if it was only temporarily. Jalex thanks for teaching me a song on piano. I still can't play happy birthday, though. Keep caring. Claire: You're just like your grandma. Caring. Kick-ass. And can keep everyone calm, even when they found out the world was gonna end. Thanks for stopping my anxiety attacks, before they arrived. You all tried to keep me afloat, but too many were trying to drown me. You guys weren't strong enough. I'm so so sorry guys. The liquor and pills were kicking in. My body felt heavy and wilted. The music sounded farther and farther away, now. Bye, guys! Don't cry, I'm not worth your tears.

Someone needs to turn off the fucking lights. Too way to bright. Some guy did. Reece as Luigi, I thought. No, he had green eyes with specks of Gray. His were the opposite of Reece, but were huge like hers. His hair was blonde and wavy. He was her height or an inch taller. "Where am I? Am I died? Do you know a Reece Luigi Ho-Summers?" I asked. He smiled, "You're not died, but you're in heaven!" I frowned, "What about my last question?" His smile shrink a bit, "Yes! She's my twin sister. But unlike hers, my hair stayed blonde," I smiled, trying to picture Reece a blonde. "I got our mom's eyes, too. She got our dad's." He grinned a lit, before starting to walk off. "Wait! Where you going?" I called, chasing him. "I'll give you a choice. To live or die. I'll show for right now. And the future, if you die. Let's go!" He was grinning as he snapped his fingers. We were at the hospital. The guys had silent tears running down their cheeks, and sometime sniffed. Mrs. and Mr. Benson were there. Mr. Benson was comforting his wife and Max. I made Mrs. Benson cry. Isn't that against the eleventh commandment? Papa Hopper was comforting Jalex and Marshall. Dez and Michael were holding each other. Ms. Artolwiski was holding Claire and Natalie. My blood family no where in sight. I searched the room for a more important person. I didn't find her/him. "Where's Reece?" I asked. "Here!" The scene changed. We were outside the hospital. A small figure was smoking, head down. The figure lifted their head, and looked directly at.....I didn't know his name. Reece. Her hand went under her breast, and rubbed her third to last right rib. He echoed her. Then, Reece shook her head, and put out her cigarette. "What's your name?" I asked. The boy smiled, "You can call me Captain Hook." I frowned, "But Captain Hook is Peter Pan's foe. And you're her brother. So were You guys foes? And are you died?" He simply shook his head, and snapped his finger. "This is Dezward's future. If you die, he'll never pick up a camera, again. Two years later, he'll run away from home. And become a sex slave. His owner's will treat him, good, but after a while,will marry him to their daughter." There was a clip of him Eating, then a woman walked in. "Hello, Tony, you have a couple in thirty minutes. So shower and get dress. Richard is laying out your outfit. Make sure he has a great time. He's paying a lot, for you." She said. Dez simply nodded, and got up. "Why'd she call him Tony." I asked. "That's the name they gave him." C.H said. My response was 'oh!' He snapped, once again. "This is Maxus's future. He won't play the guitar, until he's twenty-six. But he moves on to be a well known street-performer. The last two things Maxus will making are two coffins. One is yours." Max was hunched over, sketching. Then, he moved over the boards of woods. C.H snapped. "Michael-John: Like others', will stop doing what he loves. No more jokes. No more randomness. He'll become serious. Raise his C- to an A+. Go off to college. And will take over their family's company, with his older brother." For most people that would have been terrified, but when I saw Michael walk into a company, suit and serious look. I thought I was in a nightmare. "Marshall-Dill will set fire to fire drums, when he gets home-if they announce your death. He'll become a history teacher. And spoken word poet. But most of his poems will be sad." Max sat on a desk, and asked, "Who shot Alexander Hamilton?" Three hands went up. Snap. "Will he get married?" I asked. Captain nodded. "Jalexander will go on to be a modern Mozart. Minus, being deaf. But 4 of out 7 days, he will be drunk. In the hands of whiskey he'll be." Captain 'tsk'ed. "Natalie will run away at thirteen. And will be put in an orphanage. At fifteen, will be adopted by a nice couple. She'll stop hating the world, instead will capture it through her eyes. But you could also give her that future. But less hate, and better." Natalie skipped in to a sickly-clean kitchen, grabbed a banana, and skipped out. Finally, it was Reece's turn. "Apr- I mean- Reece will never speak, again-'ll see. She get in an abusive relationship. She'll never answer to Peter Pan, again. Reece will commit suicide, at twenty six. She's the reason the guys will pick up their instruments, after your funeral." I gasped, "She's the second coffin?" C.H nodded. Reece stood at the edge of a cliff, and cleared her throat. "Dear Gods that live in this sicken blue sky," She screamed, broken, "I only ask of all of you one thing. *Pause* Please, let me be a creature with wings!" Then Reece jumped. I gasped/screamed. C.H gave me a moment, before asking, "To live, or to die?"

"To live."

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