Chapter 41

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-December 16-

The Hopper's and Dr Carter sighed. "I hate to say this, but I think your daughter may need therapy." He stated, "She cried for four days after she woke up. Then blankly stared after a wall for three days." Diego looked at Valentino and whispered, "Say anything and I will spank you, later. Understand?" Vale pouted and nodded, "I'll go check on Reece and Alvin." He got up, thinking 'She only needs a hug. Please realize she only needs a hug'. When he got to Reece's hospital room, her sister Brianna was helping Reece get ready. More like, she was dressing Reece and Reece was just there. Like she was a kid and Reece was a life-sized Barbie. And Alvin was packing her bag. "Eww, Summers!" He grinned. She stuck her tongue out him. Reece had here whiteboard with her. Clutching in her hand, like old friends soon to departed. How long are you guys staying, Reece inquired. "We're staying till January second." Alvin stated. Where are you guys staying

"A hotel."

Oh. Reece put on her dirty backpack and grabbed her crutches. "Let's go!" She smiled. "Reece, you have to leave in the wheelchair." Bri stated. She huffed handed Brianna her crutches. Before sitting in the wheelchair. Onward, she wrote. "I'll push her." Vale offered. "Oh, I'm Brianna, by way!" Brianna offered her hand, which he shook. "Valentino." Reece cleared her throat, when they let go. AKA: Vale, Tino, Tinny, Bro, Blue eyes, Mississippi River, Bae, Baby, Kelly, Valentina, Valentine, Love baby. Vale gave me a deadpanned look. "When'd he start being call Kelly?" Alvin asked. Reece erased her board and wrote, The same day he proposed to me. "I hope he doesn't lose his wedding ring this time." Alvin sighed. "I didn't lose it! It was stolen!" Vale shrieked. They ignored him, trying to stay in character. We haven't even got ring shopping yet. Due to his crazy schedule!!! I'm starting to think this was a bad idea and my parent were right. "No, no! It's the best choice you made. Remember how happy you were when you read the note? Please remember!" Valentino pleaded, kneeling beside her. Also going in character. Of course I remember! I was so thrilled.

"Just think of our wedding day! I can't even imagine of how beautifully you will look."

Too bad we have no time to plan.

"We'll make time! Even if that means I have to go to work with three hours of sleep, I'll do it!"


"Of course. Anything for you!" He smiled. A moment later, they both started laughing. Alvin was too occupied writing that down. While Brianna just looked confused. Once they recovered, Alvin said, "Cmon guys. Reece has to get home! And we have to…get back to the hotel?" They nodded. Valentino grabbed the wheelchairs handles and started pushing her out the door. Bri and Ally followed with her crutches. When they got to the waiting room, Justin skipped over. "Hi Reece!" He smiled. Hey Justin, She grinned, Aren't you supposed to be at school? "Yeah, but daddy and papa said I could spent the morning with you. And that I have to go back at lunch." He explained. She nodded, then surveyed the room. Greeting her parents as her eyes swept over them. Then they landed on two familiar figures. "O my gosh, The Brothers came!" She squealed. Then remember why she had her board. "That's what She said!" Vale snickered, without missing a beat. "Summers!" They laughed. "Its Hopper." She corrected. "We know." Christen grinned. "But don't care!" Diego added. Reece rolled her eyes, See you guys tomorrow. Tino pulled his best puppy-face before asking Diego to carry him. "You're too tall for this." Dee muttered, still picking him up. "I'm only six two!" He shot back. Reece waved goodbye as her friends exited the waiting room.

"Ow, my ribs!" Reece shrieked, as Daddy tried to lift her in the truck. Her phone rang. "Hello?" She said. "Reece, get in the car!" Christen snapped. "But it hurts!" She whined. "So does your stomach during your period. Deal with it."

"Okay." She pouted, then hung up.

"Reece?" Bri stuck her head in Reece's room. Reece looked up from her book, "Yeah?" Brianna stepped in and sat across from her. "How do you know those guys at the hospital, a couple days again?" She asked, carefully. Reece's past seemed like a touchy subject. "I grew up with them. Alvin and Valentino are my best friends!" Reece smiled. "The ones you talk to everyday?" She asked. Reece nodded. "Oh! I was just wonder. Anyway, when do you plan on going Christmas?"

"Don't know yet. I haven't really thought about yet!" Reece laughed. "Well, tell me when you do. Until then, I'll let you get back to reading." Brianna smiled, and left.

Justin crept in. "Reece?" He whispered timidly. "Yeah?" She replied. "Can I sleep in here, tonight?" He asked. "Of course!" He came to lay down. "Wanna hear a story?" She asked. Justin nodded. Reece began one of his favorite, "Once upon a time, there was a girl that believed. She believed so much. She carried hope and creativity in her pockets. She always had a smile and a dream. A dream for everyone she came in contact. She believe any one could become anything they wanted. That everyone could save the world if they wanted to. Most of all, she believed if you believed enough, you could fly. Mind you, she still hasn't flew yet. But she still tries. The girl that believes would've been a star student in Peter Pan's flight school, but he never came for her. She's still waiting." Justin was asleep by then. "I'm still waiting." She whispered, before following Justin's pursuit.

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