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Hi guys,

delighted you should be reading these lines at this very moment. Please know that 'Unexpected healing' is my first book and it may not be quite as accomplished, writing improves with practice I have come to notice, although if I may say so, it turned out not too bad and I decided to leave most of it as it is (in any case I leave you to be the judge).... 


Severus was pacing the corridors, he could hear the rain lashing against the tall windows lining the outside wall, it was a dark night, he could see nothing but black and his own blurred reflection starring back at him. This same reflection looking pale somewhat ghostly but he preferred not to linger on this. He'd never liked his own appearance.

It was long past midnight, but as so many other nights before, he couldn't find sleep. He could've taken a sleeping potion, but the nightmares; he couldn't bear them tonight...he was in a right foul mood.

There a movement, sounds. The dim light that had been coming from the tip of his want went out. He stood still, waiting. As expected, some of the students, apparently disregarding the rule of 'no walking around after 10 o'clock'. They were softly talking to each other, giggling even. Oh, he was in the right mood for this!

Here they came. The tip of his wand illuminating the corridor brightly once again, he looked into the faces of a boy and a girl from Hufflepuff, both 6th graders, Severus knew them well. They could very well be "sweethearts", seriously? He felt all the more sour.

"Well, what are a pair of Hufflepuff students, doing in the corridor at this hour of the night," He said his voice icy, every word spoken echoed in the otherwise silent corridor. Both students had had a fright at first and were now trying to comfort each other. "We..were" the boy started. " I can very well imagine what the likes of you are up to," Severus interrupted, glaring at the pair of them, " Do you have any idea how serious this is." It was apparent that they had nothing more to say. "Back to your dormitory's, 20 points of Hufflepuff and I will be contacting your Head of House about this." There was contempt in their eyes. He didn't care much, contempt was what he breathed.

A while later he found himself alone once more. The night peacefully surrounding him, but Severus couldn't immerse into the peacefulness, his mind and heart restless. Would he really have to go on in this same manner for the rest of his life? His thoughts were dark, so very dark...

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