Getting closer Part 8

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The next morning he woke with a start. Where was he? Then he was right awake. He remembered everything. He got ready in his usual sort of way and then went into the kitchen to find something to eat. He had not eaten anything last night, his mind and soul had been to occupied to be able to eat. 

While he was in the kitchen, Felicy walked in. He nearly dropped everything again. I have got to stop being so pathetic around her he thought, but fortunately, he managed to keep his composure. 

"I will take you back," he said. She looked at him puzzled and disappointed. 

„I thought we might stay here for a while," there was a pleading in her voice. Now Severus was puzzled, unbelievably, she did not want to leave. 

"Then, we stay," he said turning, so she would not see the gladness in his face.

„I am very glad to be here with you," she said eagerly.

„You will have to excuse me now," he retorted quickly. He gave an inclination of a smile towards her, while he hastily left the room. 

This whole setting was unnerving, he had not had any close human contact since Lily and that was an awfully long time ago. He never really had any long conversations with anybody either. Her patience shall surely be tested he thought grimly. She will want to leave soon enough. He made his way back to his room. Here he felt safe from her and studying kept his mind occupied. 

He stayed nearly all day in his room, but he could see her every so often, for she was outside mostly and he could watch her through the window. The sun was shining and it was a warm summer day, she would be walking around the lake or looking over down into the valley. Here she stayed for a while and he knew why the view was marvelous from where she tarried. In the afternoon, he observed her resting in a chair looking over the lake, reading. She seemed content. It would certainly be of comfort to her if she could be content with herself, for he was not going to be very eligible company. 

Later when the evening cast the surroundings in a warm light, he gathered confidence and walked up to her. She was in deep concentration while reading her book. He stood behind her for a while, relishing the fact that he was close to her. 

„I take it, you enjoy a good book," he said, his voice still relatively harsh although he had intended it not so. She had a small fright. 

„Oh, you startled me," she looked up at him smiling. She did not look as if she was unhappy. 

„This is an amazing place, Severus," she carried on. "I feel so free here." 

He marveled at her, he knew what she meant, he too felt exactly the same way when coming here. 

„I used to come here often as a child," he told her. Why did he tell her that? He did not want anybody to know about him, especially not his past, but such was the effect she had on him, he came to realize. He could not help it. She had looked through him from the very beginning. It was as if his whole protective facade crumbled when she was around. That was why he needed her and yet he felt like running from her at the same time. 

„ My Nanny would take me. She would sleep nearly all day after taking some potion and I would roam free in these mountains. No boundaries, no restrictions." There he was off again, blundering on. He walked off towards the edge where he could look down into the valley. Yes, here they had come when his Nanny could not bear the house anymore or when he, Severus was suffering from his weak health once again. And really the mountains and the fresh air had done him good, he had grown stronger and braver.

The next day was fairly similar at first. While he studied he watched Felicy outside, At some stage she went inside only to return minutes later wearing what appeared to be a swim outfit. She jumped straight into the lake. 

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