Hogsmeade Part 10

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Shortly after, one day in class, Severus heard two boys talking. He did not allow talking in class, but this time, he let them carry on for a while, what he heard pleased him. 

" Did you know, Snape has a girlfriend," the one boy whispered.

 "Is that true," the other replied, "who then?"

" Well Professor Fern, of course, have you not noticed."

" I wonder what she sees in him."

He had heard enough, Severus marched up to them and roughly redirected their heads down to their books. "Yes, I do have a 'Girlfriend', if you must call it that, but I do not think that this is any of your concern, better turn your attention to those things that do concern you. Ten points of Hufflepuff for talking in class.'" It felt good to say that he had a 'Girlfriend', he Severus Snape, who never had a girl.

Later, though, he remembered the last bit of the conversation. 'I wonder what she sees in him?' Yes, what did she see in him? He was certainly not good company or good looking. But what did make out a 'boyfriend'? He did not appreciate calling Felicy his 'girlfriend' though, given the fact that they were a fair bit older, but what was she to him anyway? They were somehow a couple, weren't they? So he was her partner? And what did make out a partner then? He couldn't imagine kissing her, or could he? He remembered the time when most of his class had girlfriends and they were constantly kissing somewhere. All these thoughts left him unsatisfied and when the time came for their walk, he nearly canceled.

After walking for a while, she asked him. "What's the matter, Severus?" Again, he was amazed, at her ability to look straight into his heart. He stopped and after a long pause, he turned to her. "What do you see in me?" he asked her moving closer to her. "What sort of ....'suitor' am I," he paused, "what if I am never able to..... kiss you..."

With that, he moved his face closer to hers, what was he intending to do? Indeed, kiss her? Despite the fact that his heart seemed to be racing and several instincts told him to stop, he moved closer yet. She too moved her face closer to his. Drawn into the moment Felicy breathed: "Please do kiss me!"

" I don't think I can..." Severus retorted, moving closer, their lips almost touching now. "Please," Felicy urged him on, her voice nothing but a tendentious whisper and then he kissed her, at first his kiss insecure, fearful, but then with a passion that frightened him but also felt as if he had finally unleashed a need that had been hidden for so long. Never in his life would he have imagined her lips to taste so wonderfully, never would he have imagined that a kiss could be so gratifying, so addictive. After what seemed like a very long time he stopped for he was simply out of breath, she too had to breath in sharply.

He took her face into his hands, looking intently into her eyes, he wanted to shout at her: 'Don't break my heart, please' but in her eyes was nothing but kindness and love. He felt relief flood his whole being and a joy that was nearly painful, braver he kissed her again, gentler now experiencing with every particle of his being the sensation of kissing her.

Afterward, he smiled, a real smile and let her go. "You kissed me," she said somewhat surprised, beaming at him. "You are an amazing sort of suitor," then she was serious again. "Severus, I see in you a very intelligent, brave and kind man. I am proud to be your 'Girlfriend'."

He looked at her in amazement. Then he gently stroke her face. "I wish your words could penetrate my heart, yet it has built such a dense defense and I fear I am still trapped in the past."

" Well then I will love you so strongly, that your defenses will come tumbling down," she said with conviction and he could see in her eyes that this was, what she indeed intended to do. In response, he kissed her again.

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