The mountains Part 7

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She was apparently staying at her parent's house. So all though he did not know what he would do when he found her, he did Apparate near the house. Then he hid to bide time and to be more certain of his way to act. He had not been long in waiting when he saw Felicy coming out into the garden, she looked somewhat different, probably due to her light muggle summer wear. She looked more like a woman then the teacher he knew. She was so very beautiful. 

He became aware of his own looks once again. He could only judge himself, on what others had always said about him. Oh, how foolish to come here, he thought, what is she going to do with a person such as me. For a moment, he felt like leaving immediately.

 But then he heard her talking. Felicy had come out with a woman who could be her mother, as she looked very much like an older version of Felicy. Very soon the conversation took on a nature that very much interested Severus „So how is your situation with that man you were telling me about." Her mother asked. What man was Felicy talking about, Albert, him?

Felicy seemed sad suddenly. " Oh mother," she said sighing. „ I told him I love him now. I know you said I should not, but I want him to know. I fear he can maybe not let me in. But then, on the other hand, I think maybe he has no feelings for me. I don't know." "Are you sure then, this friendship is good for you. " Her mother said in a concerned voice, "I know you can not sleep well, you have been walking around a lot at night time. And you look exhausted. I am very concerned for your sake." 

Severus felt somewhat bad knowing Felicy too had not slept well. If only he could change this situation. „Mom, I can not think straight, I constantly have to think about him. I wish he would let me show him that he deserves to be loved, for I think he does not feel lovable". 

He had heard enough, he could not bear it any longer. It was as if she truly did look into his heart. He edged away a little, only to start walking briskly. He walked over a bridge and shortly after that he found himself standing, looking into a valley. Here he stopped and overlooked the beauty of this place. It calmed him and somehow filled him with a small amount of hope and courage.

He would ask her to meet him here, at this place. Heaven knows what would become of it, but this was his immediate plan of action. He turned back to the house. There he wrote on a small piece of parchment. 'Meet me where the bridge leads to the view of the valley.' Then he sent the message through the open window onto the kitchen table. After that, he returned and waited. Would she come? And if she did what would happen then?


My mom found the note. She came into the garden looking puzzled. „I wonder what this could mean," she said. In her hand, she was holding a piece of parchment, such as the ones we use in the wizarding world. „That is probably for me," I said and she handed me the parchment. I recognized his handwriting immediately, my heart racing I read the message twice. At first, I could not make much sense of it, but then I thought, the place with the bridge and overlooking the valley, could only mean the bridge not too far away from my parent's house, at least, I hoped it meant just that. I had been there many times, mostly to watch the sundown. Was he here? Had he come to find me? I excused myself and made my way to the bridge filled with hope and rather nervous. 

I saw Severus immediately while still a way of. He stood black and tall against the skyline where the hill sloped down into the valley. He seemed unaware of my approaching. Only when I nearly reached him he noticed my presence. He did not turn, he waited until I came to stand next to him. He seemed highly uncomfortable. I looked into the valley, taking in the beauty and feeling its calming effect. I saw from the corner of my eye, how he watched me. It was exhilarating being so close to him again. 

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