The wedding Part 13

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The wedding was approaching and to stay true to his desire Severus went to London for a few hours a few days before and got himself a white shirt, jet he could not relinquish the buttons. He wanted to make a big statement with this. He wanted to show, that he was laying down his old life and starting anew with a clean white page, ready to be filled with a new story, a story, that would start from the day he was getting married to Felicy or maybe a story that started the day he met her. He had high hopes, that this new story of his life would be a very different story to the one he had had so far, a far happier one.

He knew he would feel a bit unsure in his white shirt, but this time he felt confident, he would be able to wear it. For her and for himself.

He apparated early on the morning of the 16th of June to the mountain hideout, together with Minerva. He would have liked to stay at Hogwarts, to be in solitude until the time came, but he had to take Minerva and a couple of house elves to the hideout to reveal its location.

It was a sunny day, though not too warm. Small clouds were floating in the sky. The perfect weather for a wedding, Severus observed. He was not very concerned with weddings and their arrangements, but he wanted it to be a good day, foremost for Felicy.

Minerva was going to instruct and observe the house elves while they were preparing the food for the wedding. Minerva made herself familiar with the setting and then she came over to him, she looked at him and said: " You know Severus, I would have never thought I would say this, Dumbledore and Felicy where the only one's that have dared to look further and have seen more in you than anyone else of us . I am very sorry Severus, I fear I have not been fair towards you."

"Do not trouble yourself, Minerva," Severus said as kind as he could, " I am very much to blame for my reputation." She nodded at him. He had probably never said more than a couple of words in Minerva's company.

Felicy's parents arrived at this moment and her mother took over the control of the wedding arrangements alongside Minerva. Severus was very glad of this, finally he could retreat. He needed a bit of solitude now. There was a small exchange of polite, jet friendly conversation, but then he excused himself and apparated back to Hogwarts, were he sought the silence and comfort of his lodgings. Here he sat for a while, just calming himself down and reflecting on what lay ahead. He was going to marry Felicy today and they would then be man and wife. He felt proud and at the same time he felt fear. Would he be able to be a good husband to her? He would surely try.

Shortly after the midday hour, the wedding ceremony would take place. As it was coming closer, he started to get himself ready. He admired himself in the mirror afterward. He looked not too bad, given that he was already 38 years old. He wished once again, he would have met Felicy a long time ago and not only when he was this age. The white shirt made him look like a different person, but he liked it that way, he had intended it to be this way.

Then Dumbledore arrived. He would be by his side, to be his best man. " How you feeling, Severus," he asked. " Nervous" Severus answered. Dumbledore nodded, " I am very glad for you, you have found love at last and by the way, white suits you very fine." Dumbledore grinned at him. For a moment, Severus tried to imagine how old Dumbledore was, but he could not at all find a suitable age. Today he certainly looked younger than he often did. Severus gave Dumbledore the rings. So that he could keep them for him until he needed them. " Thank you, for being my best man Professor," he said. He felt truly thankful, Dumbledore was not only a father figure but also his one true friend. "It is my honor," Dumbledore answered back to that.

Together they apparated back to the mountain hideout. Felicy's mother and Minerva had made everything look so bright and festive. . People were already seated along the rows, smiling at him expectantly. Most of these people he knew, most of the staff from Hogwarts was present, but some he had never seen before or he had met only briefly.

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