Felicy Fern Part 2

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A new school year was about to start at Hogwarts, and here I was,  the brand new teacher for " Muggle studies". (Muggels, People without magical abilities ) The Ministry of Magic had ordered this subject to be taught at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, especially for those students, from pure-blood families and/ or not familiar with Muggle ways. This had come to pass, as too many incidents had happened of late, where Wizards and Witches, apparently not accustomed or informed about "Muggle studies" had caused too much attention in the Muggle world, thus forcing the ministry to use too many memory charms.

I always wanted to be a teacher, and beeing a half blod witch I came across this interesting subject. I'd always wished for wizards/ witches AND Muggels to get on better, so I though, this would be a good opportunity to tell others, in particular the new generation about the wonderful achievements of the so called Muggels.
After graduating, while wondering what to do with my profession, I found an insert in the Daily Prophet. Hogwarts, a school for wizards and witches were recruiting a new 'Muggle studies', teacher. This sounded as if it was directly addressed to me.

I applied. Three weeks later I received a return letter from the headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, inviting me to an interview. He and another professor were going to be in London the following week and were offering to meet me there, instead of me having to come all the way to Hogwarts. I agreed although I wouldn't have minded seeing Hogwarts as well, I had heard so much about it. 

So the following Thursday, I went for my very first Job interview.
Professor Dumbledore immediately made the impression of a very kind man, but still with a mighty presence of authority. He was a tall wizard, his hair and beard long and white. But it was rather difficult to but an exact age to his appearance. The Professor, who had accompanied him, Professor McGonagal, also carried a strong presence of authority although she seemed much younger than the headmaster. After my first wariness, it seemed that they were taking a liking to me and I felt more at ease. It was, all in all, a very pleasant meeting.

Again a week later, I received notice that I had been accepted, if I was willing to take the position. I was ever so pleased and nervous.

Now the day had come, I had my bags packed and repacked AND repacked a long time before, but still I felt as if I was not yet prepared to take this step, but as it was all set I had no further choice. After some consideration, I figured that I was simply nervous.

A carriage dropped me at Hogsmeade-station. Here I was expected by Hagrid, Hogwarts gamekeeper, who had come to fetch me with yet another carriage. He was an exceptionally big man, with long matted hair and a matching beard. I wondered if he was perhaps partially giant.

The carriage seemed to be drawn by creatures I couldn't see. I did, however, feel a presence. I felt it necessary to greet them, as well as one is able to greet creatures that one can't see. I closed my eyes and focused on their presence and when I was sure I felt them almost as clear as seeing them, I lifted my hands and touched, it was almost as if I felt residence very much like the forehead of a horse. You see I have what one calls 'highly sensitive syndrome', enabling me to feel people's needs, understand complex emotional situations, and experience things more colorful and sharper as others do, due to heightened senses.

Hagrid gave me a keen look. "Can 'ya see 'em?" He asked me. 

"No, not as such," I answered back. "I feel them." He looked at me in a peculiar sort of way but didn't inquire further. Then he did the usual sort of greeting in his gruff voice, laid in with a heavy accent. 

"Had a good journey, then, did 'ya.." I had to crane my neck to look at him, as he spoke to me. We conversed further as we made our way towards the castle. I asked him a lot of questions about Hogwarts. He patiently answered all of them, smiling broadly. I had the distinct impression he liked me. 

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