Meeting Alan part 20

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 Since his passing away, I felt like doing a little memorial writing for Alan. So here is another unexpected chapter to this book.....  

I still can't believe how blessed we are, as I jog towards Peter's pool. This is by far the most amazing holiday we as a family have had so far but only possible because we have actually won something for a change. All my initial worries of what might expect us have subsided, the hotel is not a crappy hotel as I had feared, sometimes one hears of these holidays people won and then ended up in very bad conditions. No everything is awesome! 

I have now reached Peter's pool. Now that the sun will soon set, there is hardly any people around. Even though I am determined to really truly jog, I stop for a moment. The sight of Perter's pool is just breathtaking. Tomorrow we will come here again for a swim. I take a photo and send it per what's up to my family back home. They have rain in Germany at the moment, shame, I feel even more grateful. The girlies and hubby have gone to the pool party all ready, there is to be a magic show before the party and the girlies really wanted to see it.  

This reminds me that I am actually busy jogging, well I should be anyways, so of I go again. After a while, I take another small stop and take out of that really practical little backpack of my hubby's, the water I have taken along. It is hot here on malta and I need a drink. While I drink I hear a voice. It somehow sounds familiar. ""Excuse me, could you help me, please." I turn to my left and there a bit further away sits a man on the ground. I contemplate my situation but I can't really refuse. Compassion is my middle name, most of the time anyways. 

I walk over to him, on coming closer I can feel my heartbeat pick up, this can't be can it? Is the man sitting on the ground in front of me really Alan Rickman? I choose to play ignorant to the fact that I know him, he might find it refreshing. I am right in front of him now. "How may I help you?" I ask, hoping I don't sound nervous. 

"I'm very sorry to inconvenience you, I tripped and now I don't seem to be able to get up let alone walk back to the hotel and to make matters worse, the battery of my mobile phone needs charging." Shame he sounds fed up and weary. I think for a moment. "I suppose I could call my husband, he could get help and head for Peter's pool. I could wait there for them and then bring them here. How does that sound." He nods, "Yes, I would be very grateful." I call my hubby and explain the situation. I say there is a man here that needs help, as I still don't want Alan to know that I know who he is. Well for all I know he might only be a guy who looks like him, but he does have the same melodic voice I admire so much as well. Frankly, I am a bit shy to ask him and not sure how to behave it seems easier to keep this fact out of the equation for now. Hubby say's he will organize help and meet me at Peter's pool. I tell Allan (if it is him) the good news. He seems relieved. But he still does look awfully uncomfortable the way he is sitting on the ground. 

Nearby is a rock that he could possibly lean on if I can get him there. "Excuse me," I say, "would you like me to help you so you could lean onto this rock?" I ask him and point at the rock. "Ah yes, that would be great." He tries to smile at me, to be honest I think he looks in pain. Shame. With combined forces I manage to get him to the rock and relieved, he leans back. It was very odd being so close to him. After all not to long ago I still had a huge crush on him, well Severus really. The whole experience is a bit surreal a bit like this entire holiday really, like something I would make up and write and post on watt pad. I also offer him my water and then I head for the Pool. It is not very far.

I wait for quite a while, impatiently, but then I can see hubby and some men from the emergency medical services. The girls are not with them. "Were are the girls?" I ask hubby, slightly worried.  "That friendly woman from the hotel bar is taking care of them." He doesn't seem to be worried. I am, but then again I'm always worried when it comes to them. But now the medical service guys want to know were 'that man' is that needs help. So I lead them to were Alan is sitting. 

Immediately they jump into action. At first, they try to lift him up and see if he can walk with help but this is not the case, so one of them goes and gets a stretcher. In the mean time, Alan turns to me and asks me for my telephone number, "I would like to show my gratitude when I am more able," he says. I try for a while to convince him that that is not necessary, but he insists. After he has taken my number he says:" By the way, my name is Alan," He shakes my hand and that of my husband. So it is him. We introduce ourself's to him and then I take heart and ask:" Are you, Alan Rickman?" He nods: "Yes I suppose I am." He smiles at me, he doesn't sound or looks weary that I've found out his identity. I don't tell him that I am a huge fan though and neither does hubby. Thank goodness, he doesn't, he tents to do stuff like that sometimes, not on purpose really, just out of ignorance. 

Then they take him away and Hubby and I head back to the hotel were I find my girls all well and pleased we're back. hubby had told them already that I had found Alan and they ask all sort of questions. They know that I like him. So does hubby. I love my hubby dearly but I still have a crush every so often for an actor or two. Lately it is Tom Hiddlestone, but before that it was Alan. Mind you meeting him now was very nice, VERY nice indeed.

We still have an awesome evening and the next day we spend all day at Peter's pool. I wonder when Alan will call or if he is at all going to call. Maybe he will have some manager call me. But no he calls at around three pm. He tells me that he is a lot better but that he'd sprained his ankle. He would like to invite me and my family to come to their holiday residence and have dinner with him and his wife. We agree a time and then he is gone again. 

I cant believe it! We are invited to some famous persons holiday residence and are suppose to have dinner with them and not just any famous person it is Alan Rickman. I tell the rest of my family. The girls almost freak out, they can't believe it either. They ask me all sorts of questions what it will be like at their house but I have to disappoint them, I don't know, I've never been there, have I now. 

At 6pm we are at the Rickman holiday residence. With our best outfits. The girls and I are really exited, hubby is his usual relaxed. But it was not necessary to be so nervous, both of them Alan and Rima are so nice and 'normal' that I soon feel really comfortable. The meal is excellent and they are really interested in our live, even the girls get a lot of attention and they, in return seem to like Alan and Rima too. 

Then Lily mentions something that makes my blood rush to my face and I am ever so embarrassed. She says: " Did you know my mum wrote a story about you," she tells Alan. Alan turns towards me: "Did you now," he says a cheeky grin on his face. "Well," I start, "it's really about Severus Snape." He leans closer." Yes, and," he says, in his eyes, there is a sparkle. I think he is highly amused. "You see when I watched the Harry Potter movie's the second time around because my girls started to get into Harry Potter, I realized what a sad live Severus had and I needed to give him a better live somehow, so a did that, through my writing." This is the truth. "So what is your story called," he asks further. "Unexpected healing,"I say. He looks surprised. "Is your story on watt pad?" he asks. "Yes." 

"No Way," he says looking meaningful at Rima and then back to me, "the other day I read a story about Severus on watt pad called 'Unexpected healing' by schneefee, I even voted and commented on it." I couldn't believe it, so the person that had commented at the end of my story and who I thought called himself Alan Rickman for fun, had indeed been Alan Rickman. "No ways," now it is my turn to be surprised." Alan laughs and says:"Well now that is unexpected," and we all laugh. 

We still have a stunning evening and we part as friends. Rima hugs each of us before we go and Alan, he leans forward and kisses me on the ckeek. "Lovely story," he wisperes and winks at me. I blush once again and grin. The girls cant stop talking about our evening, as the taxi drives us back to our hotel. Hubby teases me a bit but he is pleased for me I got to meet Alan. He is so sweet. I am pleased too, this has been a very lovely experience, I will probably never forget. I am still hyper. 

A few weeks later I receive another comment, just asking how we are and once again confirming how nice it had been to meet us and that he still loved my story, with a smiley face. I smile and reply.

A few months later, my hubby calls me to the computer and there is a big picture of Alan and it says he died after a secret fight with cancer. I cry and the rest of my family is very sad too after a while I calm down and I am just so glad that I could have met him. He will always be remembered in our house. I write Rima a condolence letter and read my story once more, somehow reading my story makes him come alive again, at least in my imagination.

R.I.P Alan 

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