Severus meets Lily once more and the end 18

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Severus was surprised, how well he was adapting to being a father, it seemed to come naturally. Every day he couldn't wait for his lessons to be over so that he could return to his little family. He couldn't imagine, that he had once wished the baby not to be. Lucas was sweet and funny and Severus was extremely proud.

Felicy was suffering a bit, she had come down with a heavy fever after the birth, so it was him, who went for walks with Lucas, pushing the pram along the grounds of Hogwarts. Although most of the students, had an almost fearful respect for Severus, they could not be kept away. Especially the girls would come over and timidly, but also determinedly, asked if they could see Lucas. It was rather strange for Severus to be surrounded by so much attention.

Fortunately, Felicy felt soon better and Severus came to realize that he had been wrong when he thought life could not get any better, life was still getting better and more colorful, or maybe life just had many good times, as well as bad times.

Lucas was nearly a year old when it was time for him to be registered. All children born to wizards had to be registered within their first year and the only place this could be done, was at the ministry of magic, at the department for birth certificates. For that reason, they had to go to London. They decided to stay a few days and do some sightseeing, as well as shopping.

He had booked into a small bed and breakfast. It was comfortable and sweet, their hosts an elderly couple, Muggles, though accustomed and familiar with wizards, where delighted and taken especially with little Lucas. Lucas features were still that of a human doll. Big black eyes and thick black hair, he was also small and delicate but also strong and outgoing. The later traits he had definitive inherited from Felicy and now he had started to walk, he was always on the move. Felicy had been rather surprised that Lucas started walking at around nine months she had been a little concerned but Severus was more than glad and explained that this was the case with all children with magical abilities, they developed a little faster than muggels. He had been glad too because he had been just a small bit concerned that with muggleblood in Lucas veins Lucas could possibly be a muggle, without magical abilities.  

Everybody loved Lucas, possible also due to his pleasant looks. This caused Severus to be rather strict with Lucas, he didn't want his son to grow up being full of himself, because of all the positive attention he was getting. Felicy couldn't be strict with Lucas, but she promised to improve for she could see his point and she wanted to stand behind him when he made decisions such as these, as long as they were reasonable. In a way she was right, Lucas was still rather young, but Severus was worried Lucas would turn out to be one of those guys he had despised so much, those that had made his own boyhood a nightmare. But he had always his own father in mind and so he made sure that above all he showed his son that he loved him.

It was their 2nd day in London and although the night had been a bit restless, they were in good spirits. But then after five shops, Severus had enough, shopping was not one of the things he particularly enjoyed and although necessary, he left most of it to Felicy. He needed a time out and so when Felicy stirred towards the next shop, with Lucas running ahead of her,  he called to her:" Issy, I hope you don't mind, I would prefer waiting outside."

She turned and he saw her nod before she and Lucas disappeared into the shop. There he stood now, with the shopping bags surrounding him. He managed to blend out the hustle and bustle and he felt himself calm down, despite all the people around him, weaving in and out of shops.

Then he saw her; it was most definitive Lily, her red hair shone in the sunlight. It was her, though an older her, but of cause she would have aged too, just as he had done.

He felt strange, almost fearful seeing her and before he could hide, she saw him too and worse she steered towards him, followed by James...... James Potter his arch enemy. The one that stole his girl. Strangely he did not feel so bad. Images of Felicy and Lucas appeared in front of his inner eye and he felt himself smile.

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