Severus Snape Part 3

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When he met her, it had been very unsettling indeed. He had mainly kept her bags from falling, to avoid a mess. He had immediately put her down to an untalented, clumsy, silly woman. Rather like all women he knew. Except for Lily of cause...but he didn't want to think of her. 

But when this new teacher came over and smiled at him, it was as if she looked right into him. He had suddenly felt vulnerable and caught out. It had thrown him totally off guard and so he quickly left. Ever since then, he had been weary of her. As if she was a Threat.

Ever since Dumbledore had managed to build him up and gave him a position as a teacher at Hogwarts, he had managed to keep a cool distance towards all, particularly people. This was, and had always been his escape.

He was born into a house, that had once known happiness and laughter. His mother had been a very joyous person, who loved to sing and dance, sadly he had never known any of it, let alone his mother. She died of unexpected circumstances that occurred at his birth. Thus leaving his father heartbroken and forever bitter towards him, blaming him for her death. He had hardly seen his father and if he saw him, his father would have violent outbreaks and one had to remove the boy, him, from his father's presence. He had to be still and unnoticeable at all times. Had it not been for a faithful maid of his mother, he would have surely died. This maid, tho dedicated, was not the kind that knew how to show love. Yet he had felt some attachment towards her. Being very hungry to learn, he made her teach him the alphabet. As soon as he could, he read anything he could get his hands on. Books were enabling him to fill his need for knowledge. He was a fast learner and he was able to understand facts, that were way beyond the capabilities of a boy his age. This was his escape and it was a way of filling all those endless lonesome hours.

Then he found Lily. She was a girl from his neighborhood. He had seen her one day, at the playground. She had been playing with so much fun and passion that he had been utterly amazed that somebody could be like that. From then on he had spied on her. He felt drawn to her, it felt as if he could feel what she was feeling, if only he could be near her.

And one day he had been able to meet her. She got into trouble with a much older boy. He had been watching her when the big boy was about to attack her. So he, though much smaller and rather skinny, stepped out from behind the bushes, he had been hiding and challenged the boy. 

The bigger Boy surprised at first, soon got angry and turned his attention towards him. Severus thought quickly and jinxed the boy so that his fist, intended to hit Severus, ended up hitting the boy himself. After a couple of attempts, the big boy got frightened, calling him a freak and ran. 

From that day on he and Lily had been friends. She gave him a warm feeling inside and for that he loved her. She had become everything to him, she had brought joy and laughter into his life. 

He had noticed already while watching her, that she too could do magic. It was a huge relief to him. For he knew that, come the day he turned ten, he would move to Hogwarts and the thought of only seeing her in the holidays had pained him deeply.

Now a wonderful future lay ahead of him, or so he thought. They would go to Hogwarts together and be together, always. He helped her to learn some of the magic he had discovered, life was good now. His situation at home did not matter anymore, as he had her now. But it came differently. They arrived at Hogwarts, their hopes high, excited and a little uncertain, standing close together. Then Lily got called in front and the Sorting Hat sorted her into Gryffindor. He did not expect them to be apart and when he got sorted into Slytherin, his world collapsed. Looking over longingly from his seat at the Slytherin table to where Lily sat, at the Gryffindor table, he watched her, as she was talking to the other kids closest to her. She didn't seem as distraught as he felt, which left him hurt and betrayed. 

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